my Incubater died :(

woke this morning to peeping! Still no chicks but atleast 5 look hopeful and i can hear them so i think i was able to save a few. I thought yesterday was day 21 but i was wrong and it is today so they are right on track!
Crossing my fingers for you!
Please keep us updated!
4 so far with one thats been trying all day. So im still hoping that a few more. Maybe not 50% but thats more than i was expecting. My first batch i had 10 out of 16 and i hear that was pretty good.
I cant remember if i had 4 or 5 before going to bed but by the time i was up there was 6 for sure and i waited till they were dry and have 7 in brooder. Im not sure if they will be alright yet . I havent decided if they are walking funny or not. Sometimes a couple look like they waddle and not standing up all the way. Then they get up and walk right after a bit. I had 2 hatch a lil bit ago. Although the one had a hole yesterday morning long before any of the others but he was on the small end. So he didnt turn around right. He hatched with mighty struggles. Another is looking to be the same way. There are a few more with shells cracking. Being that last night would have been 21 days in is it bad that they are just hatching now? And also they looked maybe a bit bloated tummies so maybe my humidity was too high. Im thinking the egg shells may be too sturdy . A few of them dragging around white gooey mass that they ran around till it fell off. Even the poor tired guy still has the energy to run aound so this may be good. and as long winded as this is , is it bad to go ahead and wait another day for the ones that seem to still be chirping inside?
I would definately give them 'til 23 or 24 days before giving up. Often if the incubating temp is a little bit low thru the incubating period they will be a couple of days long in hatching. Congrats on the chicks that have hatched, you did well considering the circumstances!

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