My introduction

Want my advice? Get a few more chickens. (More to love):love
Hello! I’m hoping I’m posting this in the right place (I’ve only just signed up for this website so I’m getting my bearings 😅)

It asks you to introduce yourself when you first join so hello! My name’s Rain and I’ve copied the questions template so that I can just get straight on with the introduction...

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

I got my chickens earlier this year so I’m still quite new to it and would be very appreciative of any advice

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

Only three!

(3) What breeds do you have?

Austra whites

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?

I like watching them take dust baths and giving them cuddles. I also really like being able to share their eggs.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

I enjoy acting and writing. And I also like drawing but I’m rather amateur at that.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

I have two dogs as well as chickens. A 12 year old and a 4 month old. (I’m still talking about the dogs 😂)

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D

I only found out about it a few weeks ago because my chicken was being broody so I was looking for advice and found it very helpful. I decided to join so that if I have any further problems with them hopefully someone may know what to do about it.

Thank you very much! Rain


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