My Isa Reds are pecking

I am open to suggestions as this is only my 2nd year into chickens. I was hoping for a good producer who is friendly in a flock. I like to look at them but I don't need a friendly chicken with me (someone who sits on my lap). I don't like to get too attached because we free range and have a ton of hawks. I read that the ISA's were calm and good with confinement and that is not my experience. They were somewhat into everything and (now I know) they are bad with other chickens. I love my EE's but we lost one who prolapsed this fall and she was my favorite.

So you want hens that lay well and can free range well, yet not attack the other chickens. :)

There is a reason why Rhode Island Reds and Barred Plymouth Rocks are some of the most popular breeds. Other good breeds would be Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, and Speckled Sussex.

Lately I have become interested in the Java breed. "Javas are heavy chickens, with roosters weighing around 9.5 pounds (4.3 kilos) and hens 6.5 to 7.5 pounds (2.9 to 3.4 kilos). Javas appear in three color variations today: Black, Mottled, and White. The Black has black shanks and beaks, though some yellow may appear in the legs. The Mottled and White have mostly yellow skin, with horn colored beaks. Hens lay a respectable amount of large, brown eggs and will go broody. Javas are particularly known as good foragers, needing less supplementary feed than many breeds when allowed to free range. Like many large breeds, they are known to be docile in temperament, and hardy in inclement weather. In general, Javas are particularly suitable for keepers of smaller flocks who require a good dual-purpose chicken."

If you want white eggs, I would suggest Brown Leghorns because they are better at free ranging than the White Leghorn because of their color.
and same with the Rhode Island Reds (I actually have found them worse than the RSLs have ever been.)

There are several types of chickens people often call Rhode Island Reds.

People often call Production Reds as Reds Rhode Island Reds. There are also various types of Rhode Island Reds from hatcheries and breeders.

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