My Lab Puppy Got Gape Worm


Jul 1, 2020
Hi All:
My labrador retriever puppy was just diagnosed with a gape worm infection. Needless to say I am very much unhappy and concerned for her an my other dogs' health - not to mention my family's health. My puppy got gape worm because my neighbor who has about 20 or more chickens (which I fundamentally have no problem with) does not keep the chickens confined to their fenced in pen area which is actually pretty darn large. As a result the chickens end up in my neighbor and my yard from time to time. Gape worm is very bad news for chickens and also no picnic for a dog. So please - be aware that your chickens can get this parasite and be mindful of your neighbors who have house pets. I imagine a cat could just as easily get the infestation as a dog. I got a nice big vet bill thanks to my neighbor who is clueless.
Hi, I asked my vet about my dog getting Gapeworm from eating chicken poop and he told me that dogs cannot get gapeworm. I haven’t been able to find absolutely any sources online about it either (this is how I found your post). Did your vet do a throat scope of your puppy and actually see the gapeworms? I’m just curious how they diagnosed her. Either way, I hope she recovered! Thanks!

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