My leukemia's back.

I really haven't wanted to post this, but denial can only take you so far.......

Some of my byc family remembers I was diagnosed with leukemia in June 13. I did all the chemo and had a clean bone marrow in Feb 14, indicating remission. Well, that didn't last. My labs started dropping and I had another bone marrow biopsy, it confirmed I'm relapsed. I go back to OHSU in Portland on Tuesday for induction chemo again. This means a 4-6 week stay, 250 miles from home
. It's going to be quite a challenge for my family. My honey's having a hard time not being able to be with me, but he's got to hold down the fort at home. The boys aren't happy, of course, but at least we've had some warning this time. After Induction and some more chemo, they'll be looking for a bone marrow donor since I don't have appropriate siblings. This whole process is going to take a long, long time.

I know God's got my back with this, and it's His plan no matter what happens. It's just hard being so far from my family. And then even when I can come home, I'll be immune compromised and have to live like a germaphobe again--most of you know I'm pretty much the opposite of that!

So, I'd again encourage anyone who is able to donate blood. Not specifically for me, but for everyone like me out there who relies on a transfusion to keep going.

All my friends who are praying folk--your prayers are always accepted! For those who aren't praying people, feel free to start any time
I really haven't wanted to post this, but denial can only take you so far.......

Some of my byc family remembers I was diagnosed with leukemia in June 13. I did all the chemo and had a clean bone marrow in Feb 14, indicating remission. Well, that didn't last. My labs started dropping and I had another bone marrow biopsy, it confirmed I'm relapsed. I go back to OHSU in Portland on Tuesday for induction chemo again. This means a 4-6 week stay, 250 miles from home
. It's going to be quite a challenge for my family. My honey's having a hard time not being able to be with me, but he's got to hold down the fort at home. The boys aren't happy, of course, but at least we've had some warning this time. After Induction and some more chemo, they'll be looking for a bone marrow donor since I don't have appropriate siblings. This whole process is going to take a long, long time.

I know God's got my back with this, and it's His plan no matter what happens. It's just hard being so far from my family. And then even when I can come home, I'll be immune compromised and have to live like a germaphobe again--most of you know I'm pretty much the opposite of that!

So, I'd again encourage anyone who is able to donate blood. Not specifically for me, but for everyone like me out there who relies on a transfusion to keep going.

All my friends who are praying folk--your prayers are always accepted! For those who aren't praying people, feel free to start any time
I just go on Phil. :frow I feel like I know you pretty well after reading the thread. You've been through a lot too. Wow, it really does hurt to see our friends go through things that hurt them so badly.
I have a post I can share right now. Just a tiny bit of a background here...we have 12 children between the two of us. Yes, it was quite the time back in the day is a post that made me think of something...

I never dreamed I would still be dealing with kids stuff in the way we are right now at our age. What was I thinking? We have 12! LOL....and it's all good. Taking care of a son with Spina Bifida..had surgery, here at our home, and now, we have a son that will be parking a motor home in our driveway, to stay for a bit while his home is being finished. They have 7 children, and one on the way. Of all of our children, I would never have thought that he would be the one to have the most! Oh..our husband and I did the...His, Mine, and Ours thing. :) Anyway, they will take turns staying in the house, and sometimes leave to go camp. I'm thinking we could like that, go and visit them at the campground. Haven't sat around a campfire in a while.
Have to tell you something. While reading the thread, you have no idea how many times I was ready to share photos of our daughter and son's fishing trips! They love it. And man, they have caught some huge fish! Tigers, and large ..large trout! I mean .. large! lol...Maybe I will sometime. Just wanted to come and see what is up. And I have one of myself back in the day while fishing at Lake Powel here in Utah. In the 70's, a nice large mouth bass.
I would also love to hear from others that have been on here. I like this thread also.
Still prayers going out to those in need. Yes, still praying.
Howdy friend's..... stopping by too see what's up.
But looks like everyone is speechless.
I don't want this thread to Peter out.
As I'm only on 2 threads these days.... and I'd miss you all.

Not gonna 'peter out', Phil. We won't let that happen. What happens here is too important to let it go.

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