My leukemia's back.

I‘ve been off for several days and just skimming posts since I came back. Sorry.

I am absolutely adding my prayers to the others, Clue! And Alaskan, I’m also praying that the tests go well for her!

Seems kinda tacky to add my problems, but I’ve been off a few days because I’ve got stuff going on as well. On the 26th I am having about 2 inches of my colon removed. I’m not looking forward to it but I don’t have a choice. I’ve been trying to keep exceptionally busy to keep my mind off it, but that’s not working. So I guess I’m asking to be added to Rachel’s Waiting Room prayer list.

@Blooie thinking of you this morning...hope you can give us an update soon :hugs
They took me back at 6:25 and procedure started at 7 on the dot (since when has THAT perfect timing ever happened?). I was done and awake a little before 11. They did let me come home - we got here a few minutes ago and Ken’s already in unpacking. I didn’t need the more extensive surgery after all, so they didn’t have to remove that 2” of colon, thank God! But the doctor said it wasn’t an easy removal and they did have to use clips to close it so I’ve got some restrictions. He was going to keep me overnight but decided that since we clearly understood what he was saying about my activities, he felt comfortable letting us go. Just when I felt like celebrating, he said I have to do a repeat in a few months. I was counting on a few years between these nasty procedures!

Anyway, I’m done! Thanks for the support. Love you guys!!
They took me back at 6:25 and procedure started at 7 on the dot (since when has THAT perfect timing ever happened?). I was done and awake a little before 11. They did let me come home - we got here a few minutes ago and Ken’s already in unpacking. I didn’t need the more extensive surgery after all, so they didn’t have to remove that 2” of colon, thank God! But the doctor said it wasn’t an easy removal and they did have to use clips to close it so I’ve got some restrictions. He was going to keep me overnight but decided that since we clearly understood what he was saying about my activities, he felt comfortable letting us go. Just when I felt like celebrating, he said I have to do a repeat in a few months. I was counting on a few years between these nasty procedures!

Anyway, I’m done! Thanks for the support. Love you guys!!
Excellent update!!!! :clap
They took me back at 6:25 and procedure started at 7 on the dot (since when has THAT perfect timing ever happened?). I was done and awake a little before 11. They did let me come home - we got here a few minutes ago and Ken’s already in unpacking. I didn’t need the more extensive surgery after all, so they didn’t have to remove that 2” of colon, thank God! But the doctor said it wasn’t an easy removal and they did have to use clips to close it so I’ve got some restrictions. He was going to keep me overnight but decided that since we clearly understood what he was saying about my activities, he felt comfortable letting us go. Just when I felt like celebrating, he said I have to do a repeat in a few months. I was counting on a few years between these nasty procedures!

Anyway, I’m done! Thanks for the support. Love you guys!!

Glad it went ok without the more extensive surgery Blooie, thanks for the update!
They took me back at 6:25 and procedure started at 7 on the dot (since when has THAT perfect timing ever happened?). I was done and awake a little before 11. They did let me come home - we got here a few minutes ago and Ken’s already in unpacking. I didn’t need the more extensive surgery after all, so they didn’t have to remove that 2” of colon, thank God! But the doctor said it wasn’t an easy removal and they did have to use clips to close it so I’ve got some restrictions. He was going to keep me overnight but decided that since we clearly understood what he was saying about my activities, he felt comfortable letting us go. Just when I felt like celebrating, he said I have to do a repeat in a few months. I was counting on a few years between these nasty procedures!

Anyway, I’m done! Thanks for the support. Love you guys!!
I hope you can get back to normal activities soon!
Blooie, I'm glad it went well, and you didn't have to stay overnight.

Isn't it a little weird to have the headstone for one person in front of the grave for another??
Bruce, the entire ordeal was weird, not just the headstone situation. The existing headstone is a large double his & hers headstone, not 2 singles. It was purchased several years before he died. All the information was already on it, but did not have the last date carved yet. That's normal.

To buy 2 singles, then have the original removed, and the new ones set seemed like a lot of expense, and trouble to go through, since he's just down, and over 1 plot. We all know where he's at, and it's on the plot map, if anyone outside the family is interested in finding him.
Mine is an insurance company holding it. So its good anywhere in USA. If there's no body or buried not knowing about policy, I have my nieces listed as beneficiary, so if it's not used they get the money.
I paid the cost if I had been dead when I bought it, 2008 when my mother died. The interest on the money is supposed to cover what it will cost when I die. I got the cheapest cremation, in case that isn't the case LOL
Cremation packages vary? I had no idea.

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