My leukemia's back.

HI All! We are officially snowed in here! Near whiteout conditions! Snow outside on my deck is taller than my upright vacuum cleaner inside my kitchen! And more is coming down at 2'' an hour. On the street it is more like 2.5 '. No one is going anywhere. And I slept until 1 p.m. today! Unheard of...
Rachel, If you have a junk yard near you, go get a new drivers seat. As long as it isn't electric, it shouldn't be too hard to switch out or even to have the insurance $ pay for a mechanic/body shop put it in. So glad for sullen boys! My 23 y/o had someone make a right turn on a road with no right turn. To avoid a collision and hitting a barrier and tree, he hit a curb and dumped his bike totally it. The driver didn't stop. But others around him stayed and reported everything showing it wasn't his fault. Hopefully it will all get worked out. So thankful he has a bruised, torn up knee! It could have been major hospitalization! I will take an upset son over anything else than serious injury! Things can be replaced. People can not.
Can't decide whether to watch a movie, quilt, declutter or bake. Maybe I will do 15 min. declutter then an hour of the other stuff alternating the between decluttering and having fun. Enjoy the weather! We are definitely having some like it or not!


My buddy Miles caught his first fish ever today...:weee
HBH, glad your son is ok and hope the insurance takes care of things. Thank goodness for witnesses!

Phil, way to go for Miles!
HI All! We are officially snowed in here! Near whiteout conditions! Snow outside on my deck is taller than my upright vacuum cleaner inside my kitchen! And more is coming down at 2'' an hour. On the street it is more like 2.5 '. No one is going anywhere. And I slept until 1 p.m. today! Unheard of...
Rachel, If you have a junk yard near you, go get a new drivers seat. As long as it isn't electric, it shouldn't be too hard to switch out or even to have the insurance $ pay for a mechanic/body shop put it in. So glad for sullen boys! My 23 y/o had someone make a right turn on a road with no right turn. To avoid a collision and hitting a barrier and tree, he hit a curb and dumped his bike totally it. The driver didn't stop. But others around him stayed and reported everything showing it wasn't his fault. Hopefully it will all get worked out. So thankful he has a bruised, torn up knee! It could have been major hospitalization! I will take an upset son over anything else than serious injury! Things can be replaced. People can not.
Can't decide whether to watch a movie, quilt, declutter or bake. Maybe I will do 15 min. declutter then an hour of the other stuff alternating the between decluttering and having fun. Enjoy the weather! We are definitely having some like it or not!
Wait, I must have missed this! Did this just happen recently?? Oh, and I say QUILT!
Send Fish! We need to have a cookout in the snow on the deck because at least the deck will not catch fire with all this snow!
Blooie, Didn't miss it! Just posted as I just found out 2 days ago. You know when you get that feeling to pray? Well, that day I did. God must have put a few extra angels on duty over caring for my son.
Well, decided I would get something done before quilting like declutter the counter by putting away a few cookbooks. Well, 1.5 hours later the shelves have been cleaned off, the cabinet cleaned up, new pins put in because the old ones broke off and had to be drilled out, the curved shelves turned over, and the cookbooks finally put away and completely reordered. Sooo now I think I will gowork on straightening the quilting stuff and then hopefully quilt a bit!
Snow is now insulating 2' of the house with drifts of 3.5'-4'.
And this means I can't go anywhere!
That looks like a nice sized fish.
Are you going to show him how to clean it? and cook it?
Because he will need to know.
How did he like it?
Are fish easier to pull in when they are cold? or do they fight just as much as when they are warm?
No that was a small pike...they get way larger than that.they have to be 24" to keep. But his first fish none the less. He caught many more.

He caught this Bass

And several bluegill

We caught about 40 but kept just enough for a meal.

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