My leukemia's back.

What Blooie said. Heavenly Father, we lift Rachel up to you today, and pray that you will perform a miracle of healing for our dear Sister. Please strengthen her body and help her to fight off this evil that has invaded her. Keep her safe in your arms, give her Your peace that passes all understanding. Give the doctors wisdom. Give all of her care givers compassion, and expedite their actions so they can meet all of her needs right now. Be with her family also, and give them comfort and peace. In the precious name of Jesus, we all pray. And, all of God's people said Amen.



Just waiting for some word. Is everyone else doing okay today?
We are hanging out with the grand kids today. Getting ready to take Mason to the river just to check out the fishing scene around Traverse City.... I don't know this area very well and my son doesn't fish much so asking him is useless.
Either way Rachel I'm here if you need anything. Please let us know.
Well the biopsy went beautifully. No pain afterward I woke up right away things went great. Now we're just waiting to get in some results this afternoon and formulate a plan. One nice thing is I'm feeling so much better. A lot of my breathing and other issues apparently were from the virus that I had. And it's pretty short-lived so I'm recovering from it by now. Feeling like I'll have some fight in me at least. My sister is going to bring my mom over to visit tomorrow and I get to tell her about the relapse. Not looking forward to that at all. Honey is going home tomorrow and will tell the boys then with me on the phone and him there in person. That's going to be the most difficult thing.
I am just so angry! Just a couple of years ago I had no idea who you were....what kind of person you are, how lovingly devoted you are to the Lord, your family and your animals, how much support you could offer to others even on your darkest days.... and what a hoot you are. I stumbled across this thread simply because my little niece had just been diagnosed and the word "leukemia" jumped out at me. Then @lazy gardener came into a faith based thread we both belonged to and asked for prayers for you, so I came back and really started reading and getting to know you.

Now I know your humor, your faith, your strength, and your generosity to others. And if the horrible disease of leukemia has done only one good thing, it has given me a new friend that I have grown to love very much. I'm here, Rachel. I'm not going anywhere so if you need me........
I am just so angry! Just a couple of years ago I had no idea who you were....what kind of person you are, how lovingly devoted you are to the Lord, your family and your animals, how much support you could offer to others even on your darkest days.... and what a hoot you are. I stumbled across this thread simply because my little niece had just been diagnosed and the word "leukemia" jumped out at me. Then @lazy gardener came into a faith based thread we both belonged to and asked for prayers for you, so I came back and really started reading and getting to know you.

Now I know your humor, your faith, your strength, and your generosity to others. And if the horrible disease of leukemia has done only one good thing, it has given me a new friend that I have grown to love very much. I'm here, Rachel. I'm not going anywhere so if you need me........

Lovely, Blooie.

Rachel, as you know, I don't post often and I usually don't use many words. I'm pretty much a "sniper poster". So I'll just send another hug and hope you know how much I care and am hoping for the best for you.
Glad you are feeling better at least.
I just found out another friend of mine.... A life long Detroit Tiger fan.... Cribbage player. Forrest Hill died from cancer today. Cancer sucks....
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So. I'll be here for the month plus of Induction chemo like the very first time. Then they'll check to see if I'm in remission and make plans from there. So hopefully home by the end of May. Literally doing pre meds tonight and starting chemo tomorrow so not wasting any time.

I asked about overall prognosis. Of course they still don't know much, but he said they would not offer this treatment if they didn't think there was a decent risk vs benefit ratio. It's still not great odds, each course is harder on the body and each time you relapse it's less likely to hit remission.

But, I've done this part before and I can do it again. The boys are older now. We have my income from Disability. Honey has an education and a job. It's going to be a hard balance between him being here and home. I know he wants to be with me, but the boys need him too. And I don't know what we can do about his work.
We have wonderful friends who are offering to help. We need to figure out how to utilize them. Last time we really didn't accept a lot of help and should have. Plus, you should not deny others the blessing of helping you. That is very important also!

Enjoy Good Friday. Everyone get yourself to service on Easter. Listen to the message and embrace Christ's gift of Salvation if you've not already.
My brother is facing an other surgery next week to deal with a blockage issue. He had an ostomy last fall. Please keep him in your prayers. Rachel, I continue to pray for you.
You know you and your family are always in my prayers too, LG!

So. I'll be here for the month plus of Induction chemo like the very first time. Then they'll check to see if I'm in remission and make plans from there. So hopefully home by the end of May. Literally doing pre meds tonight and starting chemo tomorrow so not wasting any time.

I asked about overall prognosis. Of course they still don't know much, but he said they would not offer this treatment if they didn't think there was a decent risk vs benefit ratio. It's still not great odds, each course is harder on the body and each time you relapse it's less likely to hit remission.

But, I've done this part before and I can do it again. The boys are older now. We have my income from Disability. Honey has an education and a job. It's going to be a hard balance between him being here and home. I know he wants to be with me, but the boys need him too. And I don't know what we can do about his work.
We have wonderful friends who are offering to help. We need to figure out how to utilize them. Last time we really didn't accept a lot of help and should have. Plus, you should not deny others the blessing of helping you. That is very important also!

Enjoy Good Friday. Everyone get yourself to service on Easter. Listen to the message and embrace Christ's gift of Salvation if you've not already.
You are incredible, do you know that??? Prayers winging.....

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