My leukemia's back.

Okay, time to lighten things up a bit...just posted this on another thread and thought those of you who don't subscribe there might like to share in our excitement. Kendra is doing her first Easter Egg hunt tomorrow!

For 5 years Kendra has sat out the Easter Egg hunts....oh, she's attended a couple but the racing and excitement of the other kids was too much for her, and she wasn't fast enough to get any eggs when she did try. Not this year....Jenny got a call from someone at the Rec Dept who asked Jen if Kendra would be going. Seems there is another little girl with some issues and the Rec wanted to make sure they were included this year. Told Jenny that Kendra is just as much a part of this community as any other child and they wanted her to take part.

I guess they've rigged up away for these two special little ones to get out there and find some eggs of their own! They are putting them by flags with the girls' names on them (the hunts are divided by age groups) and those are their eggs to find, if I understood a very excited Jenny right! The plan is to leave the wheelchair home and put Kendra in her gait trainer so she'll be able to "walk" the field but that'll depend on the weather and how level the ground is. This is going to be so amazing! Can't wait to take a video! And Katie asked Jenny if she could just help with Kendra instead of doing the Easter Egg hunt herself. That's my girl!
Rachel.... Honestly hadn't anyone ever offered Gleevac?
I've always thought it's supposed to be the end all treatment to kick Leukemia in the groin.... Have you looked it up.
Or am I just the desperate friend trying to find an answer...
Rachel.... Honestly hadn't anyone ever offered Gleevac?
I've always thought it's supposed to be the end all treatment to kick Leukemia in the groin.... Have you looked it up.
Or am I just the desperate friend trying to find an answer...

Maybe I should just go back in my corner and leave it to the doctors.... I'm sorry.... Your friend Phil
You can apologize for things that matter, Phil, if you ever need to....but don't you DARE apologize for caring and making a suggestion that Rachel might not have been offered or know about yet! That's what caring friends DO.....
and you did it! So there!
Oh so many thoughts running through my breathless brain and random, thought stricken mind.
Glad you waited for the meds. No sense in putting yourself in more pain. Don't think 12 hours is going change much in this case.
Okay, how about using (It really does work!) for help, meals, organizing chaos and herding chickens and such? Can a friend sell those chicks for you? So sorry about being in for Easter! Know that feeling! It's not the exact same as being there but does your church have it's service online?? Or could Honey Skype it? And for church could someone help you with running the signupgenius and having folks sign up at your church then transfer it to online if needed? If you do signupgenius please include us! We could always order something for you and then have it delivered!!! Can someone else care for Mac, Roanie and Cheese (lol! The names makes me laugh every time!)?

And my friend and I went to Southern states and bought 5 chicks! They are now in my bathroom being protected from my new 7 month old Tennessee Treeing Brindle. She sees them as food! She was visiting my friends and the dogs were playing outside. The other dog ratted on her and they came out to find feathers from my 100% English Lavender Orpington all over and some black feathers. Well, the black one didn't make it but the Lavender did. So need to train her but keeping those 2 doors shut for sure until then! Photos later...
So glad Kendra get to go to an egg hunt! That is very special for the recreation dept. to call and include her. Post photos, please.
Phil, I think it's good to suggest things. I vote yes and I hope it kicks it reallyyy good in the arse! And anywhere else it's needed!
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Okay, time to lighten things up a bit...just posted this on another thread and thought those of you who don't subscribe there might like to share in our excitement. Kendra is doing her first Easter Egg hunt tomorrow!
[COLOR=1D2129]For 5 years Kendra has sat out the Easter Egg hunts....oh, she's attended a couple but the racing and excitement of the other kids was too much for her, and she wasn't fast enough to get any eggs when she did try. Not this year....Jenny got a call from someone at the Rec Dept [COLOR=1D2129]who asked Jen if Kendra would be going. Seems there is another little girl with some issues and the Rec wanted to make sure they were included this year. Told Jenny that Kendra is just as much a part of this community as any other child and they wanted her to take part.[/COLOR][/COLOR]

I guess they've rigged up away for these two special little ones to get out there and find some eggs of their own! They are putting them by flags with the girls' names on them (the hunts are divided by age groups) and those are their eggs to find, if I understood a very excited Jenny right! The plan is to leave the wheelchair home and put Kendra in her gait trainer so she'll be able to "walk" the field but that'll depend on the weather and how level the ground is. This is going to be so amazing! Can't wait to take a video! And Katie asked Jenny if she could just help with Kendra instead of doing the Easter Egg hunt herself. That's my girl!
:hugs :thumbsup

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