My leukemia's back.

Off topic ...but based on my boss' comment today at my work, he inadvertently answered my question of "Would they be willing to have me work 30+ hours a week?" by saying "You will get paid but 40 hours is too many for my budget. And If your dd wants to work, you 2 will need to come separate days or you not work." So grateful for 40 hours and don't want to burn bridges, but 30+ hours is what we need. So thank you, God, for answering THAT question!

I vote feathers, goat,dog and Honey's pillow be brought in! Along with some yummy smelling food that can be microwaved for the aroma!

My day was good.... It's amazing how much better it is when the sun is shining
What is that? I've not seen it since last Sunday.

Michigan is trying to pass legislation to keep the latter Daylight savings time.... So we would stay an hour a head of everyone else.
I vote to add an extra hour of sunlight to both ends of the day. THEN, DON"T MESS WITH IT.

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