My leukemia's back.

Lurking.....we've been gone so much the past few days that I have all can do to keep up when there's 4 or 5 posts, let alone pop in and find 28!
I vote for a nice wad of feathers, goat hair, dog hair and cow hair! Oh, and the yummy stuff Hh showed!! Rachel, you've got this, and we've got you!

Ken's sister and her hubby are coming up to day for a visit. Lordy, I hope they don't want to spend the night - I quite literally have no place to put them. Too rainy to put up Motel 5 1/2. I mean, it would be comfortable for them to use, but I don't want to go out there by myself and try to crank that camper up when it's pouring. I asked Ken if they were staying overnight and he said, "I dunno, they didn't say and I didn't ask." Great. Well, I've already put a nice big beef roast with the trimmings in the big crock pot, so no matter what happens we are ready to eat anyway. Still gotta run down and pick up a 6 pack of Bud Lite. What they don't drink can sit in the fridge until next year I guess. Not a beer fan. <shudder>

Well, better go make sure there's no ring around the toilet and the last of the dust bunnies are beaten into temporary submission. Love to all, and smiles - I'm gone!
Lurking.....we've been gone so much the past few days that I have all can do to keep up when there's 4 or 5 posts, let alone pop in and find 28!
I vote for a nice wad of feathers, goat hair, dog hair and cow hair! Oh, and the yummy stuff Hh showed!! Rachel, you've got this, and we've got you!

Ken's sister and her hubby are coming up to day for a visit. Lordy, I hope they don't want to spend the night - I quite literally have no place to put them. Too rainy to put up Motel 5 1/2. I mean, it would be comfortable for them to use, but I don't want to go out there by myself and try to crank that camper up when it's pouring. I asked Ken if they were staying overnight and he said, "I dunno, they didn't say and I didn't ask." Great. Well, I've already put a nice big beef roast with the trimmings in the big crock pot, so no matter what happens we are ready to eat anyway. Still gotta run down and pick up a 6 pack of Bud Lite. What they don't drink can sit in the fridge until next year I guess. Not a beer fan. <shudder>

Well, better go make sure there's no ring around the toilet and the last of the dust bunnies are beaten into temporary submission. Love to all, and smiles - I'm gone!
LOL, in certain circles that would be the beginning of one heck of a voodoo packet.......

Hope you have a good visit, Blooie -- gotta love husbands' approach to company, have had that safe conversation with my own more than once -

My day was good.... It's amazing how much better it is when the sun is shining

Indeed -- it was BEAUTIFUL here yesterday, sun shined the WHOLE day, bright blue sky -- sure made for some awesome contrast with the peaks (St. Helens, Rainier, Hood and one I haven't quite figured out yet) sticking up in their various spots all covered in white. It was VERY hard to go back to work after lunch............and, of course, this morning we are back to grey, cold and wet..........
Morning, Rachel -- well, you can mark a whole week off the calendar today, that's a huge step in the right direction!

Phil, you are just loving to rub it into my face, aren't you???? Well, you just keep rubbin' it in. I'll sit here in my gloomy frigid day after day non stop wet, with the mold growing behind my ears, and the mildew growing in my hair. My poor plants are sitting in their little green house, getting trundled out into the cold weather every morning, and trundled back into the garage every afternoon, without enough sun to warm up their poor shivering little roots. Ok, rant over. Pity party over. I hear that a nice gentle cold mist on the face is great for the complexion. Man, I've got some beautiful skin on my face right about now. Just don't look at the mold behind my ears!!!

Rachel, Praying for you still. Better day tomorrow than today, and Monday will be even betterer still.

Blooie, enjoy your company. toss an air mattress on the floor, and enjoy the visit. Your crock pot meal sounds lovely.

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