My little group of girls


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 12, 2014
Since I'm new here I thought I'd post a pic of my hens! I finally remembered to take my phone out to the coop with me and got a shot of all of them (except my broody girl) on their roost just before going to sleep.

Left to right, we've got Chicken Julia (Barred Rock), Speckles (Speckled Sussex), Blackie (Barred Maran I believe), Sandy (Americauna), Big Mama (Buff Orpington), and Easter (Americauna). We are really clever with our names here, can't you tell? ;) Actually my 5 year old daughter helped name most of them. I've also got Bertha (French Copper Marana) who has gone broody and is in the shed sitting on a clutch of six fertilized eggs (from my mom, I do not have and do not want any roosters). I don't want a big flock, but I'm hoping to add maybe two more hens to my flock from the eggs if they hatch. I keep seeing breeds of chickens that I think would be really fun to add to my flock, but I have to remember that if I go too chicken crazy my poor city boy hubby is going to change his mind about the whole business of "farm" animals. ;)
You've got some nice looking birds there :) don't worry about the names I've seen more original ones and silly ones ( a friends son names his hen Russell... even though it was the most female hen I've seen haha)

Fair enough on the small amount of animals, it is way to easy to start with a few and end up with hundreds, and since its so easy to get attached its hard to sell them later. Although the more you have the easier it is to slip in a few extras..... hahaha
Thanks for the compliment, Stiggy! Yes I could see myself getting attached to all of them and ending up with a ridiculous number of birds. My mom did that and had well over 50 chickens at one point, I think she has whittled down her flock a little since then.
50? Oh that's nothing lol... I recently moved and took 20 with me after telling myself that I would only take ten ... ( I got way to attached to them and couldn't decide) my mother had over 1000 last year/ season and has reduced her numbers to just under 300

What ever you do just don't buy an incubator that holds 200+ eggs it ends in way to many chickens lol
That's a lot of chickens!! Lol, I can't even imagine having that many! : P I'll remember that about the incubator!
Very nice! I love their perch! And they love it too! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, bhromada! Since putting in my perches I've learned that apparently mites can hide in bark, but at the time it was what I had available, plus I was thinking the uneven texture would be good for preventing arthritis

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