My Little Ladies

Hahaha crazy hen, do you think she would take chicks?

Did you get your Azures from Freys?

I have my 4 yr old hen decide to go broody first time ever. She is really good at stealing eggs (and keeping them covered), I was thinking of stuffing a few chicks under her - I was thinking a couple Azures and a couple Noirans from Freys…
I did get me Azures from Freys! Thankfully, Betty finally broke of being broody. I was playing with the idea of giving her chicks, but I wasn't feeling confident in her mothering skills to be honest, so I'm glad she got over it
It's stupid hot here recently and the ladies are struggling a bit. While I let them forage in the tree coverage, I added a shade tarp and gave the ladies some frozen grapes and a couple ice blocks. That should help. Thankfully it's not actually too hot inside the coop itself.
Daisy laid her first egg 🥰


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