My little Nando just will not grow! Update: He's found a forever home!

So what's the update on Little Nan? I follow this's so sweet
Hope she will be okay.
Thanks for asking-
She's hanging in there. I think her condition may be deteriorating a bit. The toes on her right foot are starting to curl and peel, yet the left foot is fine. Her feathers are coming in in strange patches all over her body. The feathers on her wings seem to skip every few. I'm worried she's turning in a bad direction. She also looks a bit jaundice. The weather is supposed to change on Saturday and warm up considerably, so I hope she can get outside for some much needed vitamin D.
She's in good spirits though! Can you see all the pin feathers? She's like a porcupine.

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The Poultry Podiatry page is a good place to start for that. She seems to be showing some signs of growth now. If you aren't already, you may want to give her some Polyvisol without iron (infant vitamin drops you can get at the pharmacy) and maybe even give her a little more protein, perhaps in the form of scrambled eggs to support her potential growth spurt.
I had a thought in regard to her foot being scaley and peely. Could it be mites maybe? Working vaseline into her affected leg and foot (if there are mites) would smother the mites and provide her with healing relief. I've read the story of Nan and am praying your sweet little chicky makes it and thrives!

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