My little peepers..


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 3, 2007
Hi All,

I posted yesterday that I have a few new peepers that hatched.The mother is still sitting on them,but I am worried about whether I should feed them now or if she does that?
I am new to the chicken scene,cause I was given my first two silkies,but they are my pets and I love them.I want to care for them as I do my 4 cats,which by the way interact with the chickens,please may I have some suggestions,cause I am getting worried that they may starve if she doesn't feed them like the wild birds do.I am so ignorant about this.....
She will pobably bring them to the food. I never used a broody to hatch so I cant answer this. Keep an eye on them and see what happens.

I hope all goes well
She'll take care of them.

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