My male duck Spencer got his head and neck coiled around fencing.


6 Years
Sep 1, 2015
Stanwood, Wa
My duck Spencer somehow got trapped in wire fencing with about 1.5 inch half spacing between wires. My husband thought he was dead. Spencer was probably stuck like that all night. I saw his bill moving like a fish gasping. I uncoiled his head and neck carefully. He was in bad bad shape. He couldn't hold his head up. There's a concaved side on his head the shape of the heavy gauge of fencing wire, indented vertically, over his eye too. Blood around his bill and nostrils. This was Christmas Eve, so I had been busy and didn't notice him until about 11am. He was so bad off, and I felt suffering. I asked my nephew to come over and put him out of his misery.

But once he and his wife arrived, Spencer was a little more responsiveness. My neice-inlaw suggested giving him some time because he was fighting and maybe once the swelling went down, he'd improve. He did improve slightly over the hours. He could lift his head, but not hold it up. I drippled some water with electrolytes and probiotics down his throat, very carefully, And tried to rinse his bill. Some puss and crud came out. He still couldn't keep his head up, and it fell back down, laying to the side. And he was still shaking a little. I brought him into the house. His bill is hole, but noticed today on Christmas, that it is cracked between nostril holes.

So Christmas morning, he was keeping his head up. Not shaking anymore. And he drank on his own. His eyes were crusted shut, so I tried to clean around his eyes, and put some of that antibiotic eye gel in them. Then I mushed up some leftover sweet potatoes and mixed in water. He drank/ate that too quit eagerly. I am worried about swelling in his throat that when eating it might cause him to choke. So taking it slow.

Okay, all that to say, his neck has swelling and feels very warm. Perhaps it's warmer inside than he's used to. We're having snow right now.

I am worried about infection. I have penicillan I just bought, but have never used it on a duck. Should I? How much if so? Maybe a cool bath inside, watching him.

I feel like he's fighting and I'd hate for an infection to do him in.

Merry Christmas to all.

Picture is from this morning. He is a home-grown mixed bred runner duck, had his grandpa, and still have grandma, and his parents.


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If it were me, I would continue as you have been and would hold off on the penicillin. It sounds as if he is making excellent progress. Just compare yesterday to today. Good luck with him.
Thanks. Good point he has come a long way. His head hung down last night, with no strength like he had no life in him. He has some drool or puss draining from his bill, not a lot, but some. I will just watch him and try to clean more of the crusted blood and goo from his eyes.
After cleaning his eyes, I would suggest continuing with the antibiotic eye gel.
Thanks he defintely needs it. I need more, but can't buy till tomorrow. Just gave him a nice bath. He seemed to enjoy just floating. Tried to wash off the blood so I could see any wounds, discovered the top of his bill is cracked. He tilted to the one side, but I don't see his leg is hurt.

I rescued a chicken once that a person bashed over the head with a bag of rocks, wanting to kill her. They throw her onto my sisters property, thinking the hen was dead. My sister found her walking around, real funny like. The hen definetly had head trauma, it took several weeks before she could walk straight and totally be balanced. She had terrible swallowing too for a while. The neighbor admitted to trying to kill her, and hit the hen several times. Miss Kitty (we named her for having nine lives lol), her neck was injured too and bent oddly, then straightened up eventually, so I am hopeful for Spencer.
If it were me, I would continue as you have been and would hold off on the penicillin. It sounds as if he is making excellent progress. Just compare yesterday to today. Good luck with him.
I agree. Roosterthehorse and the duck are doing fine after such an extreme event. Keep him clean hydrated and fed and I think he will slowly but steadily recover.
Thanks he defintely needs it. I need more, but can't buy till tomorrow. Just gave him a nice bath. He seemed to enjoy just floating. Tried to wash off the blood so I could see any wounds, discovered the top of his bill is cracked. He tilted to the one side, but I don't see his leg is hurt.

I rescued a chicken once that a person bashed over the head with a bag of rocks, wanting to kill her. They throw her onto my sisters property, thinking the hen was dead. My sister found her walking around, real funny like. The hen definetly had head trauma, it took several weeks before she could walk straight and totally be balanced. She had terrible swallowing too for a while. The neighbor admitted to trying to kill her, and hit the hen several times. Miss Kitty (we named her for having nine lives lol), her neck was injured too and bent oddly, then straightened up eventually, so I am hopeful for Spencer.
That is awful someone would do something like that to a defenseless animal. :(

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