My maternal matriarch - second mother


11 Years
Apr 16, 2008
Rutherford County, NC
Just thought I would post a pic of my 'granny'. Without being my biological mother she's as close as someone could possibly be. Due to some issues my mother had when I was very young my granny basically raised me. Heck.... I'm the only kid she 'had' out of 8 that could milk a cow...

She came from a very humble background. The old family home my mother was born in was so shoddy the foundation was propped up on rocks, it didn't have running water and you could look through the boards of the floor and see dirt. I have stories of feeding the chickens through the floor...

Even though she didn't have much she never had a problem keeping us all happy. Well my closest uncle might balk at that... she did keep his hair cut no longer than 1/2 inch because he was too rebellious. I can remember her baking 'sweat pone' (some type of cake baked in a preheated frying pan in a wood stove). We would all take our hunk outside and enjoy every bite under the huge elm tree out front. I can remember riding around in her little red datsun wagon with the tailgate down dangling my nasty legs off the back. The few of us lucky enough to land a tailgate seat would sit there enjoying our own string of red licorice she'd pickup for us at the local store. The memories truly are endless.

I have never heard her speak a cross word about anyone. Her one true lifelong wish is that to be half the person her dad was. I can honestly say I feel the same thing about her. If I can only be half as good as she is.....

I don't think there are enough words in the english language to describe the feelings I have for this woman... my Granny!

Here we are at one of her favorite places. She dearly loves pizza from Pizza Hut.


It's funny. Whenever I'm out and about I always hold the doors open for any ladies. Sometimes some will try to usher me in ahead of them. I guess they think I'm joking when I say 'If my granny saw me do that she'd tan my hide.' She would!

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