My mom's foot ulcer... Prayers please!


11 Years
Feb 9, 2012
My mom developed an ulcer on her foot back in '06 (i think) and she had skin replacement surgery done, twice. It finally almost closed up, and had stayed small for about 4 years, the other day my dad saw it, and said "Oh my gosh! GO TO THE DR!'' She didn;t feel it was bad, it turns out it has been like this for a while, but we never see it because it is always covered. I had no idea how bad it was. She got into the Dr. yesterday and he gave her like 4 different antibiotics and she sees a spectialist on Monday. He is testing her for Diabetias, it runs in our family, and we're thinking that's why it's healing sooooo slowly. She finds out in two weeks the results of the test. It hurt her so much last night that she only slept for like 2 hours, and it hurt her all day today. I helped her clean it and bandage it up this evening, she said it feels better already and hopefully she can get more sleep tonight. We have a lot going on, moving, buying a house, g-ma's appointments, and etc... BUT that is no reason she couldn't have said anything sooner. It makes me mad and I told her about it because my g-ma is 104, and my dad works. I CAN NOT take care of my mom and G-ma by myself 5 days a week!!!
I was ticked off! She could loose a leg from that, or much much worse! I told her to think of me too when it comes to this. I know I never would have to do it alone, my best friend in the whole world would come over after school and help me do laundry and the dishes, and help me feed the dogs, cats, fish, chickens, and hamster and frog, and he would help with house work. He would, I wouldn't ask him, he just would. But that's not 24/7 help that I would need. Tomorrow when I have time, I will post pictures of her leg, but right now we need to both get some sleep. Night BYC'ers!
I'm so sorry for your mum's foot ulcer and for your upset. The trouble with mums is they put everyone else's needs before their own and I expect that is what you mum has done. Of course you are quite right that tackling these things early is by far the best way. Don't worry about your mum losing her leg/foot that really would be an extreme case and loads can be done to heal the ulcer without radical measures. I think it quite likely that your mum may be found to have diabetes but that can be managed well with diet and drugs. Care of the feet and legs is very important, inspecting them regularly when you shower and drying carefully. Also keeping feet warm and making sure shoes are well fitting and do not rub. Most medical practices here in the UK have diabetic clinics where feet are regularly examined and treated if needs be. Perhaps your mum might have access to such a thing. Meanwhile take any help that is offered to you, you seem a bit overwhelmed with responsibilities at the moment. Take care.
I'm so sorry for your mum's foot ulcer and for your upset. The trouble with mums is they put everyone else's needs before their own and I expect that is what you mum has done. Of course you are quite right that tackling these things early is by far the best way. Don't worry about your mum losing her leg/foot that really would be an extreme case and loads can be done to heal the ulcer without radical measures. I think it quite likely that your mum may be found to have diabetes but that can be managed well with diet and drugs. Care of the feet and legs is very important, inspecting them regularly when you shower and drying carefully. Also keeping feet warm and making sure shoes are well fitting and do not rub. Most medical practices here in the UK have diabetic clinics where feet are regularly examined and treated if needs be. Perhaps your mum might have access to such a thing. Meanwhile take any help that is offered to you, you seem a bit overwhelmed with responsibilities at the moment. Take care.
Thanks, I know she does put others first. The reason I was worried that she would loose her foot is cause it was kinda deep, and had dead tissue all around. I almost know that she has daibetes, cause she always eats sweets. She's not obese, but she would feel better if she lost 10 or so pounds. It might be a good thing if she is. Just saying. But i'm glad she caught it when she did,
If her doctor does not know, he could check in to studies on using a prolonged prophylactic dose of Cipro, this is something my dad's doctor tried and he was able to save his foot/toes.
If her doctor does not know, he could check in to studies on using a prolonged prophylactic dose of Cipro, this is something my dad's doctor tried and he was able to save his foot/toes.
Well, she sees a sergeon monday and he should know what to do. He's like the best in our area. That's a good idea, but her regular Dr. is going to be gone for two weeks, so he has done all he can do really, also because he has NO CLUE what to do with it! Lol, some Dr. huh?
No, we love him, but I wish he knew more.
Okay, she confirmed that she had it for 10 years! Omgoodness! Okay, she saw the dr today. He said that the green/yellow stuff (will post a pic later) is causing an infection, and as long as it is there it won't heal. A hhn (home health nurse) is coming in twice a week to "bleach it". We are very happy that she gets the same nurse that my g-ma has and she already comes twice a week! YAY! (about that) He shook his head in anger about them using a lab grown skin graft before (twice). instead of taking a patch off her leg in another place. I agree with him. He said she WILL have another surgery/graft, but it will be a couple of months still till the green stuff is gone. In the meantime, she has to see about an EKG cause she has good flow to her legs, but it isn't really coming back up. So it's just pooling. She is (and if you would please, too) praying that they don't have to "de-breed'' it. It really hurts, I know because when I was only like 8 I remember her crying on the drive home from getting it done. I felt so bad for her. If the "bleaching" does what it is supposed to, she won't need the de-breeding. She also confessed today, that it has been like that for 7 MONTHS!!!!!!!! I am so mad she waited so long! Oh, well. Can not change the past, just move forward. I am not looking forward to her surgery. I have to then take care of her, my g-ma, all the critters, do the dishes, laundry, house cleaning, and meds BY MYSELF!!! (my dad has to work) I really hope and pray we get moved by then, that way she is already where all our stuff is. Either way, it will be hard. I know my best friend will come and help me with stuff around the house, but I am still stressed. Please, if you could pray for us all! Thank you guys so much!
I am so glad that your mum has seen the doctor and he has planned a course of treatment for her. A skin graft taken from the leg seems a much more permanent solution to the problem. Sounds like she should be raising her legs to aid the blood flow back up. Don't worry too much about what will happen when your mum has surgery. It does seem a big burden on your shoulders I know but you will get through it. There are lots of chores that can be done from a sitting down position for example folding laundry, ironing, and I'm sure that once she is feeling a little more comfortable with her foot, your mum will be anxious to help. The secret of coping when you have lots to do is to make a list of the chores and then prioritise them. Meds and feeding the animals is important, as is doing the cooking, dishes and laundry, dusting is something that can be left,or missed if you are up against time pressures. Remember, no one will be worse off because you didn't find time to wash the kitchen floor today. What an amazing young lady you are, I wish you all the luck in the world and I know you are equal to the task. Bless you and your family.
I am so glad that your mum has seen the doctor and he has planned a course of treatment for her. A skin graft taken from the leg seems a much more permanent solution to the problem. Sounds like she should be raising her legs to aid the blood flow back up. Don't worry too much about what will happen when your mum has surgery. It does seem a big burden on your shoulders I know but you will get through it. There are lots of chores that can be done from a sitting down position for example folding laundry, ironing, and I'm sure that once she is feeling a little more comfortable with her foot, your mum will be anxious to help. The secret of coping when you have lots to do is to make a list of the chores and then prioritise them. Meds and feeding the animals is important, as is doing the cooking, dishes and laundry, dusting is something that can be left,or missed if you are up against time pressures. Remember, no one will be worse off because you didn't find time to wash the kitchen floor today. What an amazing young lady you are, I wish you all the luck in the world and I know you are equal to the task. Bless you and your family.
Me too! I'm going to make her raise her foot! lol, she won't if I don't make her... I know, I think the body rejected the first one. Well, I guess it will be eaisier since I'm not 8 anymore! That's a time (seemingly) long gone! I will make a priority list. That's a good idea! Thank you! {THANK GOD FOR DISHWASHERS!!!!}
Thank you so much for your support!
Finally got the pic.s up!

This was the day she saw the Dr.

Two days later:

Three days later:

And finally TODAY:

Ooh that does look painful and very inflamed, your poor mum! Hopefully by now with treatment it is more under control. Ulcers are devilish things and often very stubborn to deal with. Modern treatment is very effective though and I am glad your mum is getting help with this now. Hope you are managing ok. Take care.

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