my muscovy duckling

colleen swartz

May 26, 2015
Hi all I need help with my muscovey duckling. He is about 3 months old he has a ploblem with his wings they not close to his body they wings are sticking out so far. His adilt feathers are starting to grow. Why is that happening to him. As all my other muscovy ducks feathers or could I say wings did not do that. What can I do. Please I need to help him
Sounds like he has what is known as "angel wing". That happens when they get too much protein while their wings are developing and they grow too fast, they will stick out from the body. Unfortunately, at 3 months old it is not as easy to fix anymore. Angel wing is very easy to fix while they are still very young, but once they get in their first set of adult feathers it's very difficult to correct. You can still try of course, though! Sometimes it'll still work when they get a little older. You'd just need to wrap the wing into the correct position with some vet wrap and keep it on for about a week. Then take it off and see if it stays in the right position. You might have to wrap it again for longer. I don't have a good way to describe exactly how to do it, but if you do a search for "angel wing" I'm sure you'll find some pictures and more details about how to fix it. :)

If you can post a pic of your duck, that might also help so we can tell for sure that is the problem. But from your description I'm pretty sure it's angel wing.

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