My name is Grampa and I have a problem!! They are here!!!!!!


Yea, I have a test hatch already going in the small bator. They will move to the big one to hatch. Like I said, I need help.

Where in the world do you crazy people keep all these chickens that you hatch?!?!?!?
You are all nutty!!!

I see the addiction, I understand the addiction, I may even cave to the addiction some day, but I only have one little hen house with 8 nesting boxes. I have a pretty backyard with a pretty patio and I hate that my chickens poop on the patio.

I only have 9.
Hatching sounds like so much fun, but where to put all those chickens?????

BTW ~ I have 16 eggs under my broody
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I think the hatching is about done. 28 went to the hatcher and only three show no signs of anything. The last one hatched this afternoon so I'll give them some more time and see if anybody surprises me.
Tomorrow I will get a better head count as I put them into the brooder. So far I can count 9 Black Jersey Giants, should have 7 or 8 Buff O's, and I'm guessing 9 RIR's. They are all running around and to get a good count now is useless. At 89.2% hatching rate, this my best so far.

Now for my next adventure...............................

I got involved in the swap chains on this site. I have 6+ Wellsummers coming in the mail. Meanwhile, I'm collecting some of my own Rhode Island Whites. I'm hoping to put in the Wellies and my RIW to total 18 eggs into the small bator. My girls are laying pretty good now and I have more eggs than I know what to do with. At least from the RIW and my EE's. Everyone else is still on strike. One day.

Thanks for letting me ramble, I'm Gone.

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