My Name is Jamie from Missouri


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 16, 2012
Potosi, Missouri
Hello Every body!
I am currently a new chicken Mama! I have 15 Barred Rocks! I ordered pullets but as im learning I have one rooster! Not bad 1 out of 15. They are suppose to be 5 weeks old today but I really think they are older, which is fine. My babies have all their feathers and are pretty big. I moved them out to the coop about 3 days ago and they love it out there! Its funny to see the hens already in their nest when I go out to feed! I had chicken as I was growing up but for some reason I just dont remember them being as cool as the ones I have now!

Im always open for ideas and information so please feel free to share with me!

Thank You


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