My name is Rainplace, and I am an idea person.


Interstellar Duck Academy
10 Years
Jun 23, 2009
Northwestern Washington
Yep, you heard it right, I am idea person. I have ideas pouring out of my nose and ears. Ideas are seeping out from under my finger and toe nails. They hide in my hair follicles waiting to jump out of my brain. I even take other people's ideas! Now one might think that being an idea person isn't a bad thing. You have no idea
Being an idea person means that before I can finish something, I have a new and better idea! Awesome you say? NO! It means that my yard has so many unfinished projects staring at me, lurking in the shadows, and waiting for my attention, that I can no longer see a good portion of my yard. It's vanished. My blinders protect me... sorta.

I feel all alone in the world. I look up and down the street, and the yards of my neighbors are nice and neat. Not a single unfinished idea in sight. <big sigh> Am I destined to always be an idea person? Is there help for someone like me?

<reaches through the web searching for others>

Am I really all alone?
nope,,,,,your not alone
sometimes this 'idea' stuff is great and i love it, and others, well it's frustrating that i flutter around (having fun non the less) idea-ing my self to death... Over active thinkers i/we are. Dont ya just wonder with all this energy that we put out, that things around us would be beautifully organized and put together just right??? nope,, not me anyway, i want it to be so, but i jump to something else leaving the trailings of some other wonderful thing needing finishing.......So, you see, your not alone..
Your not alone.
I am also like this, the only cure for it unfortunately is to have someone who doesnt think like we do go around behind you cleaning up, finsihing up, and carefully calculating your next idea

I drive my SO crazy with ideas and half finished projects.
the fun ones are the ones he says are impossible until I get them over half way finished.
then he gets the OH YEAH! look on his face.
Oh, I like the "flutter" word. It describes a lot of it!

My husband is so good in so many ways, but helping me turn concept into product is not one of them.

I made up a saying, "I have the imagination of an adult with the skill of a child."
Well here is a good Isea for you LOL, no really, try to finish one single project starting tomorrow, and even if you get a new Idea, just toset away and finish this project and only this project.
when you see your first finished product, then you start on the next one and so on.

Good Luck.


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