My neighbors have Guinea Fowl...


Coturnix Obsessed
11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Indiana, Pennsylvania
The reason I make a subject out of this *find* is the fact that we don't speak to those neighbors...the man moved in about a year ago to the house in between the side of our yard (that goes into our woods) then across the road is his house....he won't speak to us because when he bought the house the realitor lied and said he owned our side woods....after coming over and trying to pick a fight with us for having our dog kennels on *his* property my mom brought out her paid/surveyed map of our property he hasnt' spoken to us since. Anywho, the man has about 2 acres, which he has 2 horses on, as well as chickens, and after listening to what a Guinea Fowl sounds like on youtube, i now know that he also has Guinea Fowl! I'm not mad about it, but i've been wondering for the past few weeks what in the heck the weird noise is over there. Sounds like a mixture between a duck/goose/parrot screatch...and now I know it's GUINEA FOWL! ha ha! Always wondered what those oddballs sounded like.

I just hope he takes care of all of those guys in that tiny shed thing he has them all in.

Just thought i'd post and say i've heard Guinea fowl for the first time...they're weird lol!

Lol They do sound weird. Our neighbors about 4 acres over bought some about 5 years ago. Well this year the 3 girls hatched about 22 keets! Well now they've taught the local Mocking birds how to make "Guinea noises".

His free range over about 50 arces though (his and ALL his neighbors yards). I might worry about keeping them in a shed. They like to free range. Maybe they're really young and just not adventurous yet. You know when a guinea is around. Guard you bird feeders!
If he should turn them out, they make great bug catchers and will roam as far as a mile from home, but they will go home at night (or at least myGS's do.we got up the other morning and all his guineas had roosted on the top rail of our chicken run, thechickens and guineas looked at eachother and went theirown way, marrie
yes he did- not really my town tho, he lived about 35 mins from here. Theres a statue of him and i think the library over there is named after him if I remember rightly. Very pretty, old fashioned neighborhood he came's now engulfed (well has been for some time) by IUP College students....and I dont say that with

Just a five min walk down the road guess who used to visit and spend time here with his grandparents? None other than Mr. Rogers! (of mr. rogers neighborhood)! His grandparents lived just down the road.
I am pretty sure this may be where he got his love for trains....
I live in a very tiny town called Robinson- I just used my county (indiana county) in my location.
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I don't thnk it's a bad noise at all, but it is weird because when I had no clue what i was hearing, I was baffled! I was like *duck? no...goose? noo deffinatly not...PARROTS!? No..!?...oh i give up will help!* HAHA it did!
I think his guineas would be safer in a larger enclosed area..than full free range. They'll meet up with our local speeders if he does let them roam (his property is almost completely surrounded by backroads--and the shape of it connects to two other properties that i could see haveing a problem with pooin birds). So far they are locked up in some sort of shed that's slightly sound proofed...I can only hear the guineas if im standing in the bottom of my driveway (getting the mail everyday i hear them), and the rooster, sounds like he's crowing through cardboard boxes...him and my RIR rooster have crow battles back and forth that's pretty cute. HOwever, i wonder how the ammonia is in there...horses, chickens,and guinease (maybe more..--horses ive visually seen evertyhing else I've just heard). Who knows he may have some elaborate set up that would make me jealous! HAHA! Its pretty awesome having another fowl admirer in this very tiny town (more like an itty village on the side and top of a mt). Too bad he didnt decide to dislike us from the begining or i may have had someone to talk horses and birds to! Maybe even offer to hatch some of his eggs!
OH well maybe someday

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