My New 4x8 Custom Coop with Run.

Does the cost of the coop include the cost of the run materials? I am looking into a new coop and run (one that is more secure from my "guard dogs") but I am nervous about the cost of the run. I guess I kind of know how much the coop will cost.

Also, I really like the PVC with the grit and oyster shells. I have seen many PVC feeders, but none with that type of bottom thingy on them (can you tell that I am not a plumber?). I am soooo going to steal that idea.
wow! nice job! i love the little curve on the roof.
Your work is awesome!
If your not a carpenter/builder- maybe you should reconsider? Second job??

I have one piece of advice for you
and 1 question

Your nest boxes have flat tops. You may want to angle the top piece as the chickens will begin perching on this at some point. Chicken poo will begin collecting and really, you don't want to have to worry about cleaning that off.

Are you going to paint or put a covering on the outside? Would love to hear what you have in mind!

Again, kuddos! Great job!

Not in this case,

I had built the coop at the end of a previously constructed run, and we had later fenced off the entire area. I had chosen this location ca all I would have to do is fence off the one side.
Materials for the fencing were nothing more than a 100 foot roll of 2 inch wire stucco mesh from Home Depot. It goes for around 95.00 a roll and is good stuff.

If I were to add the price of materials used for the run, It would be an additional 200.00 of course rounding up...

The Coop was 320.00 and of course seeing how I am a nice guy I never charged myself labor.

Here are some pics of my coops/ run and area fence.

This is the area I choose... the water run off is from over filling the duck pond and then having them splash around like So the coop was built to the Right, next to the end of that run you can see on the right side of this pic.

You can see this is the pond I am talking about..... and as well at the time there was no fence... after we lost one duck we had a fence up


The run is attached to this 10x10 and out the front I have another run, That is the deuce coop, I spilt it into two 5x8's for my Light Sussex and Buff Orps, the other side is for my Red Sussex.

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