My new Chicken Tractor (In The Works)


Orpingtons Are Us
9 Years
Dec 1, 2010
Owasso, Oklahoma
I worked on the for about 2 hours this afternoon. It was really easy and tomorrow I am going to put on a roof!



How many chicken are you putting in there and will they sleep somewhere seperate...just asking as I am in the process of building a tractor.
I'm not sure what I will use it for but I just wanted to see the image I have been thinking of for the last few days. I might build a 8x8 or 8x12 for a grow out pen. I think I might run a wire skirt around the base to keep coons from digging.

hardware cloth was a great investment... Its pretty much predator proof if installed properly.
nice start,

i like your handle on one end, I need to do that to the similar sized tractor i built last year. I used lighter materials ( 2 x 2s). I was surprised at how heavy it was to move. so my advice is to buy good tires, I put on some push lawnmower tires that i had in the garage and its too hard to move easily.

Today I put a piece of plywood on the top and put a Trio of O Shamo in it and they loved it. The stag is to tall for it but the like it.


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