my new chicks - what breeds are they?

What a pretty chicken!! I am sure that is what I have. Does she need to run around outside a lot? We are going to have 8 chickens total with an area of about 100 square feet including coop and outdoor enclosed run. I read that the Hamburgs really need a lot of space. Have you found that to be true?

Our flock forages our fenced 2 acre farm. When the winter was brutal this past winter, they ran loose inside our old barn, a part of which is our hen house. She is one of our smaller birds and seems to do well indoors or out. But all our birds are happier if they can get outside to explore and play.

Bess loves to forage and is usually one of the last birds to return to the hen house at night. Here is a pic of Bess out in the farmyard last month.

It sounds lovely to let them run free. I think I will keep her and first determine if she is a "she" or a "he" and take it from there!! Your hen looks like she has a fan for a tail. Very pretty!!

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