My New Coop! 3/14 Today's progress pic on post #356

It's going to be 10x16 and 8 ft in front and 5 in the back with a metal roof. Eventually I'm going to split half of it up into breeding pens.

I currently have an 8x23 coop that is at capacity. This will allow me to add about 40 more birds.

Which brings us back to the waiting..... for eggs!
I'd go bigger too but I don't want to get too complicated yet. I haven't ever built a lot of things so I'm trying to do something fairly simple to begin with. If I build another one, I may get more creative.
I thought I was the only one doing this. Are we all crazy or does everybody have 5 pg threads about lumber. At leaset he has the lumber, mine is still at the lumber yard. GO MAN, GO.
Nice coop

But I think I saw the same one in the lumber and plywood aisle at the Home Depot.
So what kinda Cheekins are you going to be putting in there?

Is there even any room for the mites? smartttttt.... A mite free coop

You didn't follow Pats ventilation plans very well now did you?

Buster has us all flim-flambed, he's raising cheekins for the new KFC .99 cheekin snackers:lol:
I bought that lumber and 500 nails for a nail gun and a dowel rod for DW's indoor tree that is falling over and 4 light bulbs and the grand total was $402. I am still going to have to buy some wood for purlins and foam board insulation but I think all told by the time I'm done I'll be around $500.

Steve- I had to move my BIL today, so I didn't get anything done. Tomorrow is a busy day too, but I should have more time this weekend. I want this up in the next two weeks.

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