My New Coop! 3/14 Today's progress pic on post #356

Nice garage coop Buster, innovative yet inspiring. the lawn chairs in the first pic are an invite aren't they?
Seems to me there is alot of "pulling up a chair going on?" Not much else of anything else is going on, considering the task at hand.

I don't even know you and I was excited to read the post here, I got a warm feeling on the inside.

Can you at least give us BYC members a photo?

Shift it around, pull down the chairs, add some spark?

We want progress!!!!


Well, it seems that every time you get a project like this together, things come up to slow you down. The day I got the lumber, I was sick as a dog (two days ago). Then, my BIL came for a surprise visit to help move my other BIL (that move was also a surprise). This morning, sick or not, I must clean my coop. It can't be put off any longer. Then I have a bunch of things planned the rest of the day because it's DW's day off. I'm thinking that my best bet is tomorrow for a start. It always goes that way when I try to start a project. Heck, I can't even get the chairs down because with DW being home and her car in the garage, there won't be any room to sit comfortably.
Besides, my friend hasn't brought his nail gun and compressor over yet, so I couldn't possibly start yet, could I???
.....yes you can.....

Start doing the layout (where studs and windows will go) on your top and bottom plates. All you got to have is a tape measure, square and a pencil.
Ok, Steve, I will get at least that much done today so that I'm ready to roll. That will probably motivate me a lot too. (A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step).

You know, I may have to start a new thread just for coop pics. We've talked about this lumber for 56 posts now.
Still no pictures?

The decaying lumber just sits there, no doubt sadden by the end of its own demise. Like any good plank of wood, the dream of usefullness is only limited by the hands of the user. I hear that once a plank becomes sadden by decay, it warps and bows with grief.

Of course unless Buster is out there explaining to the lumber why he hasn't been able to make his coop. At least that might slow down the decay.

This is all very tragic and unexpected

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