My New Coop! 3/14 Today's progress pic on post #356

Note to self: After borrowing Dad's skil saw for so long that you forgot where you got it from, don't let him see it after he wondered where it went long enough that he bought himself a new one.

I'd return the old one and borrow the new one
Did you get the linoleum down yet?

And walls stood?

.....and rafters set?

Get cracking boy....them eggs are gonna be hatched for you get done!

Then again....who am I to talk. I'm not done either.
LOL Steve- Today I gotta go get a couple more 2x4's from Home Depot and some more nails and a 4 ft level. I have got to get the linoleum down today before it snows on my sub floor. I need the floor leveled before I stand the walls up.

I need to get my chain saw back from my BIL because I need to trim the bottom branches of the spruce trees off so my 8 ft wall will fit under them.

Framing the side walls will be interesting....
Did somebody say beer?

I can swing a hammer and cuss with the best of them........

*looking great, Buster!*
OK, got back from Home Depot a bit ago and I got the rest of the flooring tacked down and laid out the linoleum. Now I need to frame the two side walls. It will take some careful measuring for the door and windows.

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