My New Coop! 3/14 Today's progress pic on post #356

I hear ya there Sam. I know that when I'm done with the materials I have now, I will still have about $200 more when I add the siding and this, that and the other. I should have enough materials now though to get the building up and enclosed. I'm pretty excited about that. Now if I could work on my own projects for a few days instead of everyone else's, I could have this thing standing on Saturday.
I am SO jealous of your building skills!

Maybe if the chicken thing doesn't work out you can rent it out as a junior apartment.
Hey Jared, great job so far.

I know you look forward to the next couple of months when I start building my coop,

Your coop will be finished, and it will be up to you to keep me moving along.

I did pick up my wood from the sawmill today
but it will do.

I wasn't happy that they sawed up my hardwood into planks. I requested 16 hardwood post, as written on the work order.
I didn't pay for the saw time of the hardwood planks, so I have some extra hardwood planks.

They completed my order last Oct. and never called me. I did show my work order to the foreman today, and they agree that they owe me 16 hardwood post. That was easy, and I am happy.
Glad you got your wood metal peddler. I look forward to your coop build.

I have great news! My BIL and I finished the north and south walls of my coop today so all 4 walls are now ready to stand up. It only took us until almost 1am, but we got it done. It's been a long long day.
Wow! i had to catch up on some reading and post. Hadn't been online to much lately on byc. I have had bronchitis and been pretty sick.

Great job Jared!
That looks pretty fancy so far, are you keeping up with your total cost?
LOL! I remember our building and run cost

Now we are adding more fences for all the goats
Jared, you're really going to town on this coop project. After the long night you put in last night, you're probably pretty bushed.

Funny how building a coop makes you look forward to the next stage of building, even though some parts can be a pain in the... well, you know.

Great job, Jared!
I'm beat. The only progress I'll make on the coop today will be to trim the branches off my spruce trees so the coop will fit under. Tomorrow my dad will come over and we'll stand up the walls. Then the real fun begins because I'll be able to see the finish line.

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