My new Ducks from Metzer Farms

Back in late March I ordered my first ducks ever,
1 Black Swedish hen
1 Khaki Campbell hen
1 Welsh Harlequin hen
1 Welsh Harlequin drake
They should ship on May 2nd and I will post updates and photos on here to satisfy the need for baby floofballs. I can't wait! I have Everything I need ready, brooder bin, heat lamp, fresh bulb, waterer, chick starter grower, nutritional yeast, and probably a bunch of other stuff that I don't need but got anyways. Now all I need is the ducklings.
I got my girls from this farm too! April 25th babies are now double in size. I have two blue runners and one fawn they are sweet as can be buy very messy.
I got my girls from this farm too! April 25th babies are now double in size. I have two blue runners and one fawn they are sweet as can be buy very messy.
Mine are only a week old now but I swear they've tripled in size. I didn't get any runners this time though I might next order.
How are the babies doing? Mine ship next week and I’m so excited!
Getting bigger every day! And messier! I keep trying to get pics of them but my life has been really hectic, I've got a bunch of things I need to get done this week with the garden, My grandmother passed away last week so we've got to get all that done with, pet sitting my great aunt and her sons animals over the weekend which includes 4 dogs, two of which have to be walked 3-4 times per day, a African Gray who hates everyones guts because he isn't ever taken out of his cage which only has a bell and two perches, two cats, and who knows how many fish. That's great! How many? I hope to see pics when they come.

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