My new hatch: 2nd hatch of 2nd gen (2.2)


Apr 15, 2020
I set some eggs Thursday, amid the excitement and stress of dealing with the runt, and did I mention my dog went into heat the day the eggs hatched? haha when it rains it pours, right?

anyway, I’m just now getting around to starting my new hatch thread :)


These are from my tuxes and Tiger Millionaire my pharaoh tux. I’m hoping to get some heavily white tuxes, and other pied varieties. The hens are 3 Tibetans and a Rosetta. I have 15 eggs all together, 3 are my weird matte blue eggs from mystery donors.
Wow ... is your home flock already 100% Celadon?
All of the females lay blue eggs, 100%. I have been making a hatch of each of my males to check if all hens off of them lay blue. This is the 2nd roo, the first was my red, and those chicks are 5-6 days old. After this I will hatch off of Aragorn, unfortunately until all the new chicks start to lay, I won’t know the status of my Roos.

edit: I kept all the original hens, I was very lucky they were all blue layers. Strangely out of 19, 7 were wild pattern and all 7 were males.
Edit again haha: 8 wilds I forgot Aragorn, because I kept him.
I candled last night, day 6, and only one of the15 was infertile, all others are developing well so far! Can’t wait for my tux hatch, I’ve been receiving pics of chicks hatched from my eggs by someone else, and I’m going crazy over the cute tuxes!

I wanted to do Red first since he’s a trouble maker and I thought I would have to cull him, but he’s a coward and the males don’t even bother with him, and the hens gang up and pull him off if he mounts one of them, so lucky lonely Red gets to stay haha. I think Tiger Millionaire and my tuxy hens will make some beautiful chicks and I’m probably more excited than my very first hatch!

I should have filled the incubator and hatched 44, so I’d have a ton to choose from:-( I see no celadons on CL within hundreds of miles of me, so if I didn’t charge much I’m sure I could sell some and not be stuck with them all.

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