My new hatch: 2nd hatch of 2nd gen (2.2)

I’m up to 6 chicks now, 3 Rosetta messy tuxes which came from those dark blue matte eggs I keep hatching haha. Then from my 11 tux eggs, 3 hatched and they are 2 rosetta tuxes and a pharaoh tux. The other 8 eggs are pipped. I had to remove the chicks because the first born tried to jump into the strawberry container with the with the dark eggs, and got stuck half way over. Luckily I was here to save it haha, in 3 batches he’s the first to get over the side from either direction.

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there’s 5 in there, ones underneath
There gonna be a jumper 🤣
The three messy tux rosettas are interesting, they are actually like somewhere in between Rosetta and scarlet, like a smoky red. Photos don’t really do them justice, but here’s my escapee not wanting a photo:

These 3 are not Tigers offspring, I think they might be Red x Gobbles.
I think I’m coming into the home stretch, #10 is hatching now, I have 2 that were looking good, but the last few chicks were rowdy, and 2 got kicked around, and I’m worried they’ve stalled. The ones pipped area is facing down now, if there’s no progress by the time 9 and 10 dry out I may remove it and check the position when I put them in the brooder. I think I will probably end with 11, 12 if the upside down one ends up being ok. 2 that pipped yesterday have made no progress, just 1 tiny pip each and no visible movement or progress since. Time will tell, it is only day 19, I’ve had stragglers come on day 20.
if they need extra motivation you can play baby chick noises on a loop
That’s a great trick, but I leave the last chick in to cheep at them. Currently 9 and 10 are still wet in the incubator with the last 4 eggs. Some have good sized holes going and have stopped. I’m concerned they got turned around. The two chicks are cuddling with the eggs and chirping, and the brooder is right next to it, I can hear the new chicks across the house, so I’m sure the inc chicks can hear it too haha.
I woke up at about 6:30, and #12 had been joined by #13! I was about to take out 12 just now, and 14 is zipping!!! I started with 15 eggs this time. When I candled on day 6 or 7 one was infertile. Provided #14 comes out ok, and he seems to be zipping like normal so far, all 14 fertile eggs hatched! Last hatch i started with 15 also, and I had 12 hatch, 1 infertile or early quitter, and one died an hour after I moved it to the brooder, leaving me with 11. I’m over joyed with the success of 14.

Hubby says I can build a bigger pen, we sketched it out the other night, I need something with more floor space and I need to be able to stand up inside, climbing into my pen is awkward. I’ll keep the small pen as a grow out, and the tall pen for adults who are calm and don’t flush up anymore because they’re fat haha.

I love hatching but these 25 chicks are a lot of peepers. I hope for 10-12 more hens from these. I’m going to hatch maybe 5 or 6 of my special eggs each cycle until the chicks start laying just because I love having something to look forward to.

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