My new muscovy ducklings!

It is ok. I know notifications can be pretty wonky.
When I went out to check on them this morning, Java Joe was picking on his sisters. It bothered them enough that they peeped and got out of his way. Is this something to worry about (aggressiveness?) Or just normal adolescent ducky behavior?
I got them outside for a good hour this evening. They still stayed bunched up. I noticed JJ is still nipping at their feathers.
Also, I think Beanie dropped some blood feathers from her tail. Is that bad? Ugh. I try to do the right thing and I feel like I am failing. :hit:barnie
Poor little Beanie. That looks like it would be painful.

So cool you got them outside. I love the protective barrier you had them in. They got their vitamin d today.
They will be frightened their first few trips into the whole wide world. The feathers will come back in. Poultry feathers pull out easy when they are frightened.
Oh, I see. Thanks for that explanation. I was worried that I did something wrong. Any insight on Java Joe nipping and pulling feathers?
Maybe JJ needs some time out, still with them but not separated by fencing?
I wondered about that too. Do you mean separated by fencing? If I could totally put them outside I would. But the night time temps might be too low?

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