My new muscovy ducklings!

Attempted to get the pups ducks out into the yard. In order to do so they have to go through the shed. Well, this is a totally new experience for them. Very leery. :cool: See the bill under the door? That is Blossom. She was definitely investigating the open door and why it was left open. :D I tried to entice them for about 40 min (even ignored them). Then, I had other things to do. This will be a process.
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Java Joe!! I love all you guys. And Blossom. She is a detective burd. She investigates with her bill.
So the Muscovy 4 are 15 weeks.
They finally ventured out of their run and through the shed - a few feet in front of it. Whew. That was enough. Back to the run they go. :gig
The last photo is just to illustrate how far they got. Lol
EeeeeEEEE!! The tail wagging by Mr. Java Joe. Note his black legs and yellow webs. Why? I love how all the cuties hang out together never inches away from each other.

They are becoming worldly venturing out like that. Brave birbs.
Well they are a collective group. :D
I gave up on them after 15 min, I needed to go work on the opposite side of my house. They wouldn't even follow me. Lol
We will try again!

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