My new muscovy ducklings!

18 weeks already. The crew has been venturing outside of the run quite a bit and stretching those wings. They get to come out every evening and look forward to it. I finally remembered my phone to take pics.
I spotted a fox a week ago not too far from their area, so have been super vigilant. I also spotted a possum yesterday morning. But, I think he was just cruising the area. :fl
Last night they gave me the run around and would not get in their house until I picked a couple up and gently tossed them in. Not sure what was up with that. :confused: I think they were testing the limits.

Beanie got left behind, so she was figuring how to escape to the other side. I had to show her the door again. ;)
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Blossom looking so sweet
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Java Joe thinking he is pretty handsome
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Snake? No... just some long grass or corn leaf that blew in :D
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Mocha (Beanie didnt want her face in the pic apparently).View attachment 1470822
The crew...
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Love these pictures and write up on this post. The snake shot was cute. Loved her investigating. Adorable crew of burd!!

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