My New Years Resolution...

EKC Farms in the desert

8 Years
Aug 21, 2011
New River, AZ
Well my New Years Resolution is something so easy for everyone else. Im sure everyone does it already with no problems at all. But me... I hate doing it even tho its so darn simple. Drink a glass of water a day. I do not enjoy it at all. I don't know why. Maybe all my years in the millitary when we had to down our canteen and then hold them upside down over our heads?? My husband has asked me to drink more water for years, but I always tell him Im getting enough. I don't drink a lot of pop or juices, but I do have a few cans of pop a week. I am "hooked" on the walmart brand crystal light flavor packets- the Early sunrise oragne. I put one in a 32 ounce cup and drink them all day. I would say on a usual day I will consume 4-6 of these packets. I tell him I am drinking 32 ounces of water at a time with a little bit of flavoring to it. He always says its not the same. So I would like to say I am 2 of 2 for drinking a glass of water a day. I will eventually move from the normal sized dinnerware glass to the 32 ounce cup. I am easing my way into it! Just wish I "loved" water like so many other people say they do... Any body else have a not so normal New Years Resolution? I always thought about making sure I send birthday cards to all my family members (since I am in Az and they are in Pa and Md- I don't see them much). I figured my health is a bit more important. But I will still try and mail out a card....
I think you ARE drinking water. So what if it is flavored?
It might be that the water you are drinking needs to be masked a bit. We finally got a reverse osmosis filter for under the sink. I never knew the city water tasted so AWFUL. The clean chlorine free O.R. water is a pleasure to drink.

My New year's resolution is to chose to be happy.
Things do not look like they will be improving on their own, so I have decided to be happy anyway. It will require a lot of work because I am a realist, not an optimist. But reality ...well you know.
I plan on deluding myself into happiness. I will focus on anything that pleases me, like a pretty photo, or a nice smell. I will force negative or unhappy thoughts from my head by enjoying the minutia.

Or, at least that is the plan.
I like to add fesh lime or lemon juice to my water.

If chemical content of that drink mix isn't bad then I would keep using it.
I had problems drinking water for a long time. I think Crystal Light is an ok thing, but another trick I used to get into the water thing - soak things you like in water - cucumber slices, mint, clementine/orange/lemon or lime slices. My favorite is a slice of clementine & a sprig of chocolate mint from the windowsill garden, and tons of ice.

I plan on deluding myself into happiness. I will focus on anything that pleases me, like a pretty photo, or a nice smell. I will force negative or unhappy thoughts from my head by enjoying the minutia.

Fake it til you make it, right? I have found that, with a lot of practice in the last 7 years, the negative person who lives in my head is quieter. It took a lot of forced positivity on my part, but it is ALMOST second nature. (Though the last few months have been testing me something fierce.)

I'm not sure what my resolution will be yet. I have had an awful start to the New Year & would be glad to just stop crying.​
m.kitchengirl :

I had problems drinking water for a long time. I think Crystal Light is an ok thing, but another trick I used to get into the water thing - soak things you like in water - cucumber slices, mint, clementine/orange/lemon or lime slices. My favorite is a slice of clementine & a sprig of chocolate mint from the windowsill garden, and tons of ice.

I plan on deluding myself into happiness. I will focus on anything that pleases me, like a pretty photo, or a nice smell. I will force negative or unhappy thoughts from my head by enjoying the minutia.

Fake it til you make it, right? I have found that, with a lot of practice in the last 7 years, the negative person who lives in my head is quieter. It took a lot of forced positivity on my part, but it is ALMOST second nature. (Though the last few months have been testing me something fierce.)

I'm not sure what my resolution will be yet. I have had an awful start to the New Year & would be glad to just stop crying.​

I started the first day of the year that way. I felt I blew it right out of the starting gate, then my son said,"Each day is new."
I am sorry for your troubles. It seems that we can not out run them anymore, so we need to try to find happiness in their midst.
Maybe they will decide we are not the right kind of company and leave us to our happiness.
Peace, love, and joy to you, m. kitchengirl. NYT! (no more tears.)
I just drew a smile on the back of my hand with a sharpie. To remind me that it is a choice.​
I grew up in the country on well water; when I moved to Phoenix I was told to not drink the water. If Im making tea or coffee I will use tap water. For any other drinking I use the 4 gallon bottled water (we refill the bottles). I think I am going to try and put a lime or an orange slice in there and see if that helps me any more (great suggestion). Over at the Good Egg restrauant- they always have a pitcher of water with lemon slices in there, but I never drink it. Thanks for the ideas!!
i can only drink distilled water... I dont like the taste of mineral water (yes there is a taste) I went from drinking no water in a day to about 1.5L a day just by switching to distilled. We have the water cooler in the kitchen (5 gallon.. big bottle) the price for spring and distilled is the same...

failing that here are a few good recipes for naturally flavored water
Thanks for the ideas Dar! I have a 2 qt pitcher in the pantry- going to put some lemon slices in there and let them "marry" (as one website said) for a few hours. Im hoping by doing this I will be able to drink a 32 ounce cup of water with no problems at all. Who knows maybe even more....
Well the 2 qt pitcher with water and lemon slices totally worked. Granite I am just under half way done it, its something I will do regularly. Might do a pitcher every other day or something like that. We took 5 lemons off my father in laws tree on Sunday- so I am good to go for a few days!! Thanks for the ideas. Can't wait to get a hold of some nice and juicy oranges.
I like my water ICE COLD that way I don't taste the funnies in the city water we have here. Although, it is very safe to drink (yeah right!) and get it so cold, I can drink it all day.

What you use, yes you are taking in water. If you drink cola, or soda of any kind, it has the anti diuritic effect on your body. My mom can not drink pure water but uses Crystal Light and doctors told her it is perfectly fine as long it is not sugar loaded. Splenda or something of an artificial sweeter would be just fine in those packets.

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