My no more Mystry Red chick - pic


15 Years
Jan 31, 2008
NW Oregon
back in March I Posted about a days old chick and asked what it might be? another RIR? or???
She developed very different than the RIR in the group. she is about 1/2 to a 1/3 the size of my other similar age pullets. Anyway! I now know what she is <G>
here she was back in March




And here she is today!
at 5 months old (almost to the day)



Does everyone agree she is a red leghorn?

she is pretty quick, a bit shy, but that is okay!
she has white earlobes
so no need to be sorry!
her ear area has gone from skin color (yellowish) to white in the last 3-6 weeks.

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did u get her from costal farm? i had goten one from there that looked like her as a chick.. but i sold her a few months ago so i dont know what she but i do agree she looks like a red leghorn , i have never heard of them but thats what she looks like
As far as her being a RIR
I don't think they have white earlobes,
I will be sure to post when she lays,
she is 5 months now,
I'm guessing white eggs!
and breed Red Leghorn, I just don't see her being any other breed.
anyone else think she is a RIR? with white earlobes?
I agree, she looks like a red leghorn. Her tail and white earlobes give it away. Her color is great, I got some red leghorns from Sandhill and they had better type but they were lighter color. The best thing to do would be to get some from sandhill and a couple more from ideal and cross the two lines to get better type and color.
I'd say Leghorn, but for the tail and ear, she looks like a RIR.

That's a keeper!

Remember to post pics of the eggs.

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