My Nubian Doe is showing signs of being pregnant but has never been bred.


May 6, 2015
I have a Nubian doe who is showing signs of being pregnant but has never been bred. I do have two wether, one who has shown signs of "mounting" on several different occasions. I just assumed he was showing signs of dominance. I have checked his testicles and they are small but still intact. When I took them in to be "castrated" they just crimped the cord and left the rest in tact. Is it possible he is still able to bred? He can be onrey at times but is still very managable.
My doe is now showing signs of possibly being pregnant. Lately her udder has enlarged and her teets are elongating and looking full.I did sqeeze, and a clear/milky sticky fluid came out. Quite a bit actually. I have done this twice but do not want to continue as I dont want to send her into premature labor if she is pregnant. Also do not want to continue to remove the wax plug and allow infection to enter.
I should mention that I have 2 other does and they are not showing any of the same symptoms at all. In fact their udders are still small and tight.
Any advice would be most helpful.
She could be.We brought one of our tom cat's in to be neautered and he was only half neautered we found out when he got a bit older and it was more visible.We talk to the vet hoping to get a deal on pricing since they didn't do their job completely and they said it happens all the time,and that the other must have not been completely descended at the time and they said we had to pay full price again.I know goats are obviously different then cats but I don't see why they couldn't have messed up.Your goat could be pregnant.In which case you need to figure out who has the deeds still and get them castrated again.Until then I'd keep them separated.That one doe may have gone into heat sooner then the others and got pregnant first.
I have a Nubian doe who is showing signs of being pregnant but has never been bred. I do have two wether, one who has shown signs of "mounting" on several different occasions. I just assumed he was showing signs of dominance. I have checked his testicles and they are small but still intact. When I took them in to be "castrated" they just crimped the cord and left the rest in tact. Is it possible he is still able to bred? He can be onrey at times but is still very managable.
My doe is now showing signs of possibly being pregnant. Lately her udder has enlarged and her teets are elongating and looking full.I did sqeeze, and a clear/milky sticky fluid came out. Quite a bit actually. I have done this twice but do not want to continue as I dont want to send her into premature labor if she is pregnant. Also do not want to continue to remove the wax plug and allow infection to enter.
I should mention that I have 2 other does and they are not showing any of the same symptoms at all. In fact their udders are still small and tight.
Any advice would be most helpful.
I have no experience but I have had a dog that did this and it was a false pregnancy. The vet. said due to hormone imbalance. The cords can grow back together as well. so it is also possible that one of your males are still fertile. I do find it interesting so please update. Sry I'm no help but wish you luck. The vet did tell me that with dogs that have problems like mine they may never actually reproduce or it might be possible for a small litter but fertility is effected. She was a one of kind Rottweiler that never reproduced.
I have a Nubian doe who is showing signs of being pregnant but has never been bred. I do have two wether, one who has shown signs of "mounting" on several different occasions. I just assumed he was showing signs of dominance. I have checked his testicles and they are small but still intact. When I took them in to be "castrated" they just crimped the cord and left the rest in tact. Is it possible he is still able to bred? He can be onrey at times but is still very managable.
My doe is now showing signs of possibly being pregnant. Lately her udder has enlarged and her teets are elongating and looking full.I did sqeeze, and a clear/milky sticky fluid came out. Quite a bit actually. I have done this twice but do not want to continue as I dont want to send her into premature labor if she is pregnant. Also do not want to continue to remove the wax plug and allow infection to enter.
I should mention that I have 2 other does and they are not showing any of the same symptoms at all. In fact their udders are still small and tight.
Any advice would be most helpful. 

So a lot of times it's takes a few weeks in order for the wethers to be infertile. I usually use the banding method as it is cheaper but takes a little bit longer (usually 2-3 weeks before they can be put back with the ladies). Most of the time you want to wait at least a couple of weeks before putting them back together, although I do realize that some people don't have the room or enough goats to do that. I hope you get everything worked out!
Thank you for your response. My wether has been crimped for about 3 years now. It is just recent that the doe started showing signs of being pregnant. Much to my surprise! I still am not sure if she is or not but, every day she seems to grow a little bigger in the udder area and her teats are starting to become very large. Almost as if she has been milked for some time even though she never has been. I guess my only choice would be to wait it out and see if we have a baby/babies or take her to the Vet.
Hmmm I'm not sure how she got pregnant then..... I mean unless one of the wethers didn't get casterated correctly. I would just wait and see as a vet visit won't tell you much, you could get an ultrasound to see how many kids she has but vets usually charge quite a bit. Udders usually start filling up about a month before their due. I made a list of signs to look when a doe is getting ready to kid in the lets talk about goats thread. That might help you out some.

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