My odd little Booted Bantam hen - questions about frizzling and recessive mottling


Queen of the Coop
9 Years
Jan 14, 2015
Shingle Springs, California, USA
Hey there everybody. I've been studying up on genetics lately and seen plenty of examples of the way genes work in my own breeding, but I've got this silly little Booted Bantam hen who's been a bit funny since she was a chick.

She's had this - I want to call it soft frizzling. The feathers of her hackle and saddle have been like this since I purchased her at the age of about 10-12 weeks. She is now around 6-7 months of age. Neither the cockerel nor the other two pullets purchased with her showed any kind of abnormal feathering, in fact the two splash girls have the most lovely, sleek and soft feathering of most of my bantam girls.

So is it possible this is some kind of phenotypical frizzling? Maybe she had a frizzled (or double frizzled?) ancestor and for some reason got a little bit of it herself without actually recieving the gene?

The next question is about mottling. It's a recessive gene, of course, and I've had a chance to see it a lot in my flock as my dominant male, Benedict, is a Speckled Sussex and most of my mixed-breed chicks are heterozygous for mottling. As such, I see the signs of this (a bit of spotting on the beard/neck) pretty frequently. Now, when I purchased these birds, the breeder said both this female and the male (similar color to this female, a sort of gold birchen(?)) were heyerozygous for mottled. I checked the beards of both and they both had the mottling on the chin, and the female actually had a few spots on her back/wings too.

But as they grew, while the male lost his little spots, she actually developed many more - to the point where I'm questioning if perhaps she's actually a homozygous mottled bird. Is it possible for her to be mo/mo and not show spots as a juvenile? Or is she just a really loud/weird heyerozygous? Is this maybe an entirely different gene?

Whatever she is, she's beautiful and very sweet. I'm looking forward to breeding her with the male next year. I'd love to develop this color more, whatever it is - mottled birchen? Since I've got a male with the same base pattern, I plan on throwing them together in a breeding cage this spring and seeing what happens.






Hey there everybody. I've been studying up on genetics lately and seen plenty of examples of the way genes work in my own breeding, but I've got this silly little Booted Bantam hen who's been a bit funny since she was a chick.

She's had this - I want to call it soft frizzling. The feathers of her hackle and saddle have been like this since I purchased her at the age of about 10-12 weeks. She is now around 6-7 months of age. Neither the cockerel nor the other two pullets purchased with her showed any kind of abnormal feathering, in fact the two splash girls have the most lovely, sleek and soft feathering of most of my bantam girls.

So is it possible this is some kind of phenotypical frizzling? Maybe she had a frizzled (or double frizzled?) ancestor and for some reason got a little bit of it herself without actually recieving the gene?

The next question is about mottling. It's a recessive gene, of course, and I've had a chance to see it a lot in my flock as my dominant male, Benedict, is a Speckled Sussex and most of my mixed-breed chicks are heterozygous for mottling. As such, I see the signs of this (a bit of spotting on the beard/neck) pretty frequently. Now, when I purchased these birds, the breeder said both this female and the male (similar color to this female, a sort of gold birchen(?)) were heyerozygous for mottled. I checked the beards of both and they both had the mottling on the chin, and the female actually had a few spots on her back/wings too.

But as they grew, while the male lost his little spots, she actually developed many more - to the point where I'm questioning if perhaps she's actually a homozygous mottled bird. Is it possible for her to be mo/mo and not show spots as a juvenile? Or is she just a really loud/weird heyerozygous? Is this maybe an entirely different gene?

Whatever she is, she's beautiful and very sweet. I'm looking forward to breeding her with the male next year. I'd love to develop this color more, whatever it is - mottled birchen? Since I've got a male with the same base pattern, I plan on throwing them together in a breeding cage this spring and seeing what happens.

Looks to be het for mottled. I will bet that with each adult molt she will lose more and more of the mottles.
maybe thats just how its growing. it could be just a little rare chick. but if its not getting enaf vitamins then thats what it is
How's you little chicken looking, the coloring reminds me of d'uccles coloring, I would assume it would get more mottled as it gets older. Is it a cross, it seems like a cochin and d'uccle cross, with the slight frizzle coming from the Cochin, I haven't seen that before. I know two smooth feathered chickens can produce frizzle if they both are carrying the gene, should be interesting to see it fully grown.
How's you little chicken looking, the coloring reminds me of d'uccles coloring, I would assume it would get more mottled as it gets older. Is it a cross, it seems like a cochin and d'uccle cross, with the slight frizzle coming from the Cochin, I haven't seen that before. I know two smooth feathered chickens can produce frizzle if they both are carrying the gene, should be interesting to see it fully grown.

It is a purebred Booted Bantam. The breeder said these were some culls from a new color he was working on, which is fine, I just wanted to try a new pet breed.

I don't have any current pictures but I believe she has gone on to develop more mottles. I'll check her tonight when I lock up.

I did recently hear about a frizzle modifying gene, perhaps she carries that. I'll be breeding her with a similar male (also a gold Birchen, and was told by the breeder he's likely to be heterozygous for mottling) and I might do some outcrossing as well. If I get any frizzle chicks from those crosses then we'll know!

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