my old chicken has a swolen toe.

Based on the pictures of the bad toe and what appears to be damaged scales (circled below), I'd say the swelling is probably from getting stepped on or something she caught her foot in and pulled to get out of. I would eliminate bumblefoot from the equation- and because of what looks like damage to the scales, I don't think the nail is embedded, I think the swelling is just that bad -- i.e. it's swollen so much the nail could appear to be embedded. Thank you for the extra pictures!

Unfortunately, she'll never tell us how it happened.

Generally speaking these things will heal on their own. It will be painful, just as a broken toe or finger is for us- aspirin might give her a little relief. Soaking in Epsom salt water regularly and watching to make sure there's no infection in the damaged area are probably the best things to help her along.

Depending on your comfort level with wrapping a chicken leg in strips of vetwrap--- and I don't know if that would really help her or not - it's hard to say based on pictures - compressing things a bit using vetwrap could help bring some of the swelling down. The hard thing there is not getting it too tight and cutting off circulation-- but tight enough that it stays on and maybe reduces swelling for her. Chickens are very good at knitting bones back together. Usually (assuming no infection or secondary issue comes up) they heal up in about 3 weeks from broken bones.



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Based on the pictures of the bad toe and what appears to be damaged scales (circled below), I'd say the swelling is probably from getting stepped on or something she caught her foot in and pulled to get out of. I would eliminate bumblefoot from the equation- and because of what looks like damage to the scales, I don't think the nail is embedded, I think the swelling is just that bad -- i.e. it's swollen so much the nail could appear to be embedded. Thank you for the extra pictures!

Unfortunately, she'll never tell us how it happened.

Generally speaking these things will heal on their own. It will be painful, just as a broken toe or finger is for us- aspirin might give her a little relief. Soaking in Epsom salt water regularly and watching to make sure there's no infection in the damaged area are probably the best things to help her along.

Depending on your comfort level with wrapping a chicken leg in strips of vetwrap--- and I don't know if that would really help her or not - it's hard to say based on pictures - compressing things a bit using vetwrap could help bring some of the swelling down. The hard thing there is not getting it too tight and cutting off circulation-- but tight enough that it stays on and maybe reduces swelling for her. Chickens are very good at knitting bones back together. Usually (assuming no infection or secondary issue comes up) they heal up in about 3 weeks from broken bones.
which is this one the bad one has the horn coming out of the leg.

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hello again! sorry its been a couple of weeks since i was last on... just a update about her foot the size has seemed to duble in size what do i do!?!

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