My Older boer she pregnant? New Pictures!

I am just going off that date. The previous owner said she just got this goat a month or two before she sold her to me so I have no idea really. I got the does on the 1st of May though. I was trying to go back far enough to cover it but maybe she was breed in March/April I have no idea. The previous owner does not really know either. She is going off the stamp on this doe and what the previous owner said to her.

The owner I got them from had them all in with bucks too so that is why they all could be pregnant.

This does seem to be the biggest and showing the most to me.
It's going to be a wait and see, then. The more time you spend with them (as if you weren't doing that already with their skin stuff!) the more you'll get to know their behaviors and when they're off.

You're doing a great job with them, by the way, and they're lucky to have you!
Have the goats been wormed lately? In the first couple of pictures, it looks like her backbone is pretty lean. If you think she might be due in July, I would worm her and give her a CDT vaccination. I guarantee the goats will lose weight when they are nursing one or two babies even if they don't have worms. The change in hormones after giving birth can cause an explosion in the worm population. Best to worm before birth if possible.
She does look pregnant. If she'll let you, you can try this. Straddle the goat, and wrap your arms around her stomach, twining your fingers together. Gently but firmly lift up. If the doe is due in July, you will feel a hard mass. That's baby goat. You may have to palpate her stomach in this way a few times to feel it. No hard mass, not pregnant. You can use the same method after she has given birth to the first kid to determine if there is a second one or third one in there waiting to get out.
That's what I was going to mention. She's probably full of worms, which may be making her have that pot-belly look. She also looks copper and selenium deficient by looking on the condition of her coat. Get a dose of BOSE in her and make sure she's getting a good mineral supplement.
The OP has said they put these goats through a ton of dewormers, BoSe shots and increased minerals in some other threads so worms is most likely not the case here anymore. Yes, these gals are deficient in minerals, but as us people with goats know, they go down hill very quickly and then take forever to bring back up. Luckily, this doe and the others are now at a good place where the OP is doing everything they can to get these goats back in condition.

I'd honestly hope they're not bred so you have a bit of time to get them into good shape before breeding. It's not the end of the world if she is bred, but it sure would help you out if she's not.
Have they done a fecal egg count on them recently? Or FAMACHA scoring? Did they worm a second time within about 10 days of the last wormer to break the worm's life cycle. Have they used only one wormer? Could be that the worms have become resistant to that wormer and although they have been wormed a ton of times, it has had little effect. Spring is also a time when worms multiply manyfold if not in the animals, then on the pasture due to warmer weather, and higher humidity levels. I'm not suggesting in any way that the animals have anything other than a wonderful home. Some animals are just more susceptible to worms. From the pictures and the coat condition, that is what I see. Since the OP did not post the history of worming and mineral supplements in this thread, I responded to the info provided. As us people with goats know there is an everpresent threat of worms.
Yes this doe and the togg have been wormed 2 times but both times were with Ivermectin horse paste. I doubled their weight on the horse tube. I said they were a 100 pounds each so I gave them 200lbs each. It was like 3 weeks apart from the first time. Two of my does got really sick after only having them 2 weeks so I did not give the 2nd dose of wormer till after they were feeling a bit better.

Except the sickest boer doe had a shot of ivermectin injectable when she was sick, she was the sickest.

They all had iron just recently when they were sick for 5 days.

However this boer doe I am asking about was never sick that I know of. Her and the other 2 does gums and under their eyelids were very white and that is why they all got the iron supplement while they were sick.

They all had muci (sp) 1/2 cc since that is what my neighbor had.

I have free choice loose trace mineral with selenium out there.

This doe has not since I have had her had a CDT shot though and she should be wormed again with a different wormer. These are safe to do now if she is pregnant?

I have only had these goats for 8 weeks now. When I got them they were in bad condition. This one and the togg very skinny in hip/buttocks and back line. Both boer does had skin issues. All had over grown hoofs.

I am having a hard time as with everyone I am hearing finding the vit b complex to give to them if you know of any. I will pay you for it and the postage to send it to me.

I have several threads on her and about these goats and what has been going on. Sorry I did not mention some of the info again in this thread.

Thank you all for the help and info.

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