My one and only pea - A White!

If it were mine i would be able to tell by 6 months by the way it behaves with the rest of the group.

Very pretty baby, i love whites i have 7.
How do they behave differently? My two whites are in a group! What should I be looking for?
Please help -any insight would be appreciated!

I've heard the males have thicker legs, and their tails are "pointier" as they develop -- which still gives me absolutely no clues on mine either. My two are from 2 different hatches & several weeks apart in age, so one does have smaller legs - the whole bird is smaller, lol! their tails look the same to me....

Which also doesn't help you Wisher as you only have the one - so I guess DNA testing is your only option until it reaches breeding age. Since I'm keeping both of mine no matter what, I can afford to wait (impatiently, like you)!

Both sexes will fan, so that doesn't mean anything; I do know that much!
If it were mine i would be able to tell by 6 months by the way it behaves with the rest of the group.

Very pretty baby, i love whites i have 7.

How do they behave differently? My two whites are in a group! What should I be looking for?
Please help -any insight would be appreciated! :confused:

I've heard the males have thicker legs, and their tails are "pointier" as they develop -- which still gives me absolutely no clues on mine either. My two are from 2 different hatches & several weeks apart in age, so one does have smaller legs - the whole bird is smaller, lol! their tails look the same to me....

Which also doesn't help you Wisher as you only have the one - so I guess DNA testing is your only option until it reaches breeding age. Since I'm keeping both of mine no matter what, I can afford to wait (impatiently, like you)!

Both sexes will fan, so that doesn't mean anything; I do know that much!

Terri, I use what is called the W.I.S.H. technique - WAITING, IMPATIENTLY, SITTING & HOPING. I WISH they are whatever sex I want them to be. :lau
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[COLOR=A52A2A]:lau How about[/COLOR] W.I.S.H.E.R.[COLOR=A52A2A]? [/COLOR] W[COLOR=A52A2A]aiting[/COLOR] I[COLOR=A52A2A]mpatiently,[/COLOR] S[COLOR=A52A2A]itting,[/COLOR] H[COLOR=A52A2A]oping,[/COLOR] E[COLOR=A52A2A]ventually[/COLOR] R[COLOR=A52A2A]ewarded![/COLOR]



You are SOOOOOOOOOO RIGHT "WISHER" !!!!!!!!! :lau :p That was a good one!
Train feathers show up at 2 years, but with hardly any eye feathers. 3 years old is when you can REALLY tell on those train/eye feathers. Good luck not getting attached. ;) Keep it even if it is a girl.

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