My only Buff Orpington is a roo I fear.....


6 Years
Aug 11, 2014
Atlanta, GA
I am very new to chickens but I believe I have 1 roo out of my flock of 6 chicks (that were ordered as sexed pullets). My only BO, sadly, because I can't keep a rooster. She/he has been the most outgoing, bossy one from almost day one. She is 5-1/2 weeks old in these pics (if I can figure out how to upload here). Her comb is most precociously red I think..... Thanks for your opinions.


This is my 13 week old pullet if that helps. I'd say yours is a roo.
I've also learned it's hard to take clear pics -- they are constantly dashing around! LOL First attempt, two of them flew up to my lap, shoulders and head and then pecked at the camera lens--VERY close up shots that you couldn't make out anything. Omeletta/Mr. Omelet jumps up high to get a meal worm treat and is very bossy with the other girls--do roosters bump chests a lot--or is that something all chicks do? Omelet has done that a lot with all the other girls. I said during the first week, that she was going to be at the top of the pecking order, but then the comb started .....

UPDATE.... thought I'd post a pic of my 17 week old cockerel, Omelet (BO). He started crowing at 11 weeks and it's adorable (my only roo). It was pretty apparent early on that he was a he. But he's not horribly loud and usually only crows a few times in the a.m. and not too early! I giggle every time I hear it! Glad I didn't jump the gun and re-home him when I panicked at 5 weeks.

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