My other doe kidded!!!! PIC HEAVY


12 Years
Aug 30, 2007
Rose kidded on Friday evening. We didn't know if she was pregnant for sure when we got her, as she was only bred once by the buck a week before I brought her home. It became apparent this month though as she got huge and her udder filled. On Friday she gave birth to twin girls!!! She had the first one within 30 minutes of going into labour, but had me worried when she hadn't had any others an hour later and stopped having contractions, but still looked enormous. I had to do the awful deed with the long gloves, and felt hooves. All of a sudden she had the second one. She is a wonderful mother despite being a first freshener, both nursed quickly and are doing great. I named the first one Peppermint, the second might be Snowflake. They are 75% Saanen, 25% Nubian. Both are white with bright blue eyes.









It's crazy, I got two goats in December and now have six after kidding! We started with two does, and now have five does and a buckling
I'm keeping Peppermint, she is too adorable and tried to nurse from my husband's knee and the back of my t-shirt.
Adorable! They look so sweet! Unfortunately the blue eyes will probably not stay.

FrizzleFreak good luck w/ that!! I held strong until my last doe kidded, and now I've got a spoiled rotten kid stretched out on my lap. I also added two new girls!
Thanks, I wasn't sure whether her teats will get bigger? The kids are feeding from one side at the moment, and milking the other took forever with two fingers!

I'm not sure whether their eyes will change or not. Their father was a pure Saanen and therefore has blue eyes.

I wasn't going to keep a doe from Rose, until Peppermint was born! I just wanted a buck from her, but I can trade or sell the other kid and get one. I have a three month old doe from my other goat Dizzy, but she is as wild as a jack rabbit. I think we'll keep Peppermint and sell that one as I don't see her calming down any time soon.
They don't have a specified preferred eye colour as far as I know.

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