My Parrotlets!!!!

Yup i heard that too sometime in november im also team jacob
Yes but im still team jacob he is tooooo hot lol even though he's in love with a little girl :s

True Edward looks like he's scared or constipated lol
I want to watch the movies again now lol
That's probably what I'll do when I get out of work
haha, my friends like twilight, although not as much anymore, they say its dying down, i dont know, i guess the novelty kinda wore off or somethnig, idk, i personally havent read the books yet, although i do have the set somewhere haha, but i saw the first movie and i wanna see eclipse, it looks good, im usually always behind in watching movies, i always watch them really late or not at all, then the next years hits come out and i still havent watched the ones from last year, i dont go to the movies that much, can you tell?... lolz
oh and btw, cute birds!
Yeh!! We went opening weekend when both movies started...........
...Can you say line!!!!! We were just barely in the door and the line kept going to the end of the side walk past the building.
Long line I say!! I love the movies. Bella just has no taste! Ugh!!!! Edward come on really! Whatever go JACOB!!!!!!!!
I HAVE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My pair of pied/blue parrotlets are going into the nest box now!!!! Im sooooooo excited! I might have babies, and my Blue,Black,Splash/Lavender Bobbi Porto's are laying now sooooo.... Lavender on the way!!!! I know they can't really be shown but im going to try!

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