My peahen laying thin shelled eggs

old biddy

12 Years
Sep 30, 2010
Lamont, Florida
My peahen, Hannah, has laid several eggs that had very thin shells and broke. This is her first year laying. She has plenty of oyster shell available for calcium but her egg shells are very thin and will break in your hand when you pick them up, or are already broken in the nest when you go to collect them. Her sister peahen, Bella, is also in her first year of laying but has good strong shelled eggs. Any ideas what is happening with Hannah?
It's her first year laying eggs. Her equipment is still new and untested. I would offer her a bit of extra calcium and just be patient.
Thanks Midnightman. I will be patient - she has a constant supply of calcium available to her. I find it interesting that the first four eggs that she laid actually hatched out 4 healthy pea chicks that were hatched out by one of my surrogate hens. It is just the last several eggs that have been noticeably thin shelled. We will see how it goes from here on.

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