"My Pet Chicken" is it trustworthy? *POST YOUR CHICKS FROM MPC!*

I think I will order from My Pet Chicken because all your experiences seem promising
Thanks for the the Help!
I ordered chicks from MPC because it was the only hatchery I could find that would ship a small number and I only needed three chicks for my very small flock. Chicks arrived healthy and thrived for about five weeks and then two of them were killed by dogs.

My one survivor is happy, healthy, and laying eggs now at six months of age.
I've ordered from them twice and have been very pleased with the results. I got the birds I ordered, they were packaged securely and the chicks were all healthy and alert.

No deaths except for two accidental ones this last time....no one's fault, just chicks getting into nooks and crannies of the brood pen and getting hypothermia.

They did mistakenly give me a roo this time but I don't mind very much....I'll just sell him later.

Overall, they do a great job, ship in a timely manner, great customer service and they have a good availability of the breeds they advertise. I will continue to use them, despite their enormous shipping costs.
I ordered a dozen chicks and have been very satisfied with their condition and the customer support (I had to change shipping location). Shipping was expensive, but I got them overnight (one possible reason they were in such good shape). I am sure there are cheaper places to buy good chicks, but this worked well for me.
I also ordered the 25 assorted pullets - got them August 18. All were alive and peeping! I shared the order with my neighbor. One needed a little TLC for one day, but was soon zooming around with the others. The assortment was a huge savings because shipping was included (the original order of 14 chicks plus shipping would have been over $80, not including mereks vaccinations; the assortment was $55 with mereks vacc and included shipping!). They are not old enough to tell if any are roo's yet, but I have been very pleased with them. Great assortment - many different breeds. If you have someone to share the order - if you don't want 25, I think it's a great deal.

I would buy from MPC again in the future!

I ordered my Golden Campines and EEs from MPC, and have been very pleased. They are beautiful! I was happy with the transaction. I would order from them again. The only other places I have bought chickens from are the local feed store, someone on Craigslist, and McMurray Hatchery. I was happy with all those transactions, too.

I ordered 6 chicks last summer, Two of which were suppose to be Jersey Giants. I also asked them not to replace my requests with others. I ended up with two Austlorpes (sp?) instead of the JG, the rest of the order was correct... good layers, but not what I ordered.

I ordered our 5 from them in July ~ they arrived the next day,
happy and healthy. It was expensive to ship, but worth it. Love my chickens!!
I have ordered twice from mpc. The first time, about a year or two ago I ordered 5 EE pullets. A few months ago I ordered 5 EE pullets and 7 Silver Cuckoo Marans chicks. Both times I have had wonderful expreiences. I agree with everyone else. The shipping is very pricey ($30-$45)

Both times I have ordered, the sexing was accurate and all chicks arrived happy and healthy.

If they are shipped during the winter, the get shipped with a heat pad to keep them warm. They have great customer service as well. I can't say enough good things about them.:)

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