my pet chicken reviews

I so far have had a good experience with MPC. I live in the Seattle WA area and it took two days for my chicks to arrive. They hatched on Monday and I went to pick them up Wednesday morning. The post office was very friendly and even let me come in before they opened to get my babies. They seem like they have the system down! But back to MPC...I ordered from them because they are the only place that offers sexed bantams (that I could find), which I find odd since they drop ship as everyone says from Meyer. Meyer only offers sexed standards...My chicks are still chicks so the jury is still out on if the sexing was correct. I do know that I got all the breeds that I requested. They all showed up bright eyed and peeping except one. She was much more sleepy and not nearly as active but alive. I had to give her some extra special attention and she perked up by the evening. I know there are complaints about the shipping cost and it does make sense in some circumstances to order directly from Meyer. However, the other thing I liked a lot about MPC was their website. It was easy to maneuver, had a really nice online catalog of chicks, and lots of good information. Also, I did get 4 standards and 2 bantams. The 4 standards were mareks vaccinated.
I have been very pleased with MPC. Our new chicks arrived last week-all 12 of them. I received notification that they shipped on Tuesday from Ohio and the next day at 10am, we were picking them up at the Post Office. We are in NC. All seemed to be healthy and energetic straight from the box. I have not had a problem with pasty butt. They took to their water and food right away. Today is day 4 of having them and they are still doing great. This is the first experience I've had with chickens. MPC customer service was great in answering all my questions.
We ordered 2 buff Brahmas, 2 buff Orpingtons, 2 Blue Orpingtons, 2 Partridge Cochins, 2 Easter Eggers and 2 Olive Eggers and our order was correct. We ordered all females but time will tell if sexing was correct.
A year update on my six MPC chickens: all are doing well healthwise. Some observations:

My red stars are my best layers, averaging nearly an egg a day

My barred rocks are annoying biters.

My Australorps: one went broody in April and did an exemplary job setting the fertilized eggs I gave her and is currently mothering four chicks. The other attempted to go broody yesterday and I nipped that in the bud ( for now?). The latter is the boss hen of the pack and she does a great job keeping order.
We had an order two weeks ago 5 bantams. One mottled cochin was a little "addled" but gave her eletrolytes and is doing well now.

We had another order of 5 bantams arrive today. All dead. The box was not stapled and we contacted MPC. They will give us a refund but told us there "are a lot of orders and that happens". My mother and I cannot order from them again with confidence.
how is my pet chicken. i want to order from them. is the quality good

I ordered 2 times from MyPetChicken and they are the best. I felt a little bit dissapointed when I heard they are not hatchery but just a seller. I was looking for videos or more info on YouTube and internet and I couldnt find anything. I even email to them and didnt get any answer. I checked three other popular hatcheries and everybody has a lot of videos and history but MyPetChicken didnt have anything. Few months ago one of this popular hatcheries was "closing" after many many years in the business and I hope MyPetChicken bought it. Now they are selling only supplies but not chickens anymore

They are best quality chickens. Best customer service and best warranty. They are improving and coming out with new breeds year after year. Always bringing the best. I love MyPetChicken and I highly recommend it
Mpc charges $12 for female polish when you can get them at the hatchery mpc is getting them from for $4.
I just ordered (4) female Polish from MPC & they were $4.25 each. A Buff Laced, Silver Laced, Golden Laced, and White Crested Black. I'm not sure where you got the $12 price from. Was that the price for Bantams? Mine are all full sized, so maybe that's the difference.
My experience with was wonderful on every level
. I am brand new to chickens, and had many pre-order questions which were all responded to quickly & in an easy to understand manner. My 'after-the-order-arrived question' was answered in like kind. I also made a few changes to my order after it was processed, and their customer service was very graceful and helpful. My babies arrived Tuesday after being shipped out on Monday, all in excellent condition. I was expecting them to be traumatized by shipping; probably shy and panicky. What I got were five spunky, confident, and even affectionate brand new chicks who immediately drank water without my guidance, and came running to peck at their food when my son started tapping it with his fingertip. Once they ate & drank, I placed my hand in the brooder and 4 out of the 5 came to check it out. 2 of them even hopped into it! Even the one who started out the most hesitant is now eager to hop into my hand just after one day of being home with us. No health issues, and awesome personalities. I would highly recommend this company for any beginner backyard flocker!

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