my pet chicken reviews

Well my hatching egg I ordered arrived today and I have to admit I'm disappointed. I should start by saying that they arrived in a timely manner and were all well packaged and included 4 extras, so cudos to them for that. I had ordered their Purely Posh assortment and paid over $200 for 2 dozen eggs. There were 14 differt possible varieties and I received just 4, with two of those (half the order) being varieties of Marans which has me very nervous since they are notoriously difficult to hatch. I also received 4 Creme legbars, which had me excited until I unwrapped them and they are the same green my Easter egger lays, not blue at all. The last variety was Swedish Flower hen, which in happy about, but just wish I had gotten more of a variety. If I knew it would have been so few would have just ordered separate breeds instead of getting a variety assortment, especially at that price. Now Im scrambling to get more eggs locally since this will be my only hatch this year and all those Marans eggs have me thinking it may not be very successful and I was really hoping to get some better cored eggs. If I did it over again I would have ordered separate varieties and not an assortment. Wish me luck!
I just was looking at the picture thinking there's some nice DARK brown eggs in your mix!!
Keep us posted here and let us know how your hatch goes!
Wishing you luck!
I can only wish the eggs my Marans have been giving me were half that dark! Gorgeous. I understand that just because a Creme Legbar comes from a green egg doesn't mean that she'll necessarily lay green eggs that right, or have I been misinformed? If that is correct, then you might still get the blue eggs you wanted. If not, I apologize for causing more confusion.

Good luck on your hatch! I'm sorry things didn't turn out the way you'd hoped, but I'm sure you will be able to make the most out of it!
Thanks for the encouragement! I'm feeling better about it now, it was just a bit of a let down when they first arrived. Definitely a different experience than ordering day olds and their list of breeds was just so wonderful I guess my expectations were a little high. Raising chickens is always a learning experience and lesson learned! Now I'm just focusing on getting the best hatch possible out of these eggs! I'll keep everyone up to date on the progress of my hatch!
Ok, so, I called MPC first thing this morning as Alex instructed. AND,,,,,, I wound up talking to the nicest person! She immediately took care of me (Alex had done exactly as promised and I paid no penalty for editing my order) Since I had requested to switch a few of my SLW's to Partridge Rocks and there were only a very few left on the date I needed, she hurriedly placed that order before anything else to make sure I got them! After that, we checked all the details, making sure everything was perfect and managed to get in some "girl talk" about the impending storm heading her way (I live in the north) and young boys and generators and female storm survival musts

I have never been treated with such kindness and consideration by a company working to rectify what was actually my mistake!

My only problem now is (again my own fault) because I was too late to be able to get the GLW's I would have loved to had to go along with my SLW's I am just going to have to order again next winter. I just HAVE to, right??? That makes perfect sense right, honey!
They are very nice people, I have never had an unpleasant conversation and they are so helpful, it's the only place I order from, and I love their website because I can see very easily what's available and when, other hatcheries have confusing websites. Glad you got what you wanted. It's so easy to order again and again.
Thanks for the encouragement! I'm feeling better about it now, it was just a bit of a let down when they first arrived. Definitely a different experience than ordering day olds and their list of breeds was just so wonderful I guess my expectations were a little high. Raising chickens is always a learning experience and lesson learned! Now I'm just focusing on getting the best hatch possible out of these eggs! I'll keep everyone up to date on the progress of my hatch!

I'm glad you are feeling better. Please let me know if we can do anything to help.

I can't wait to see their progress. (Yes I'm a baby chick addict!

Ok, so, I called MPC first thing this morning as Alex instructed. AND,,,,,, I wound up talking to the nicest person! She immediately took care of me (Alex had done exactly as promised and I paid no penalty for editing my order) Since I had requested to switch a few of my SLW's to Partridge Rocks and there were only a very few left on the date I needed, she hurriedly placed that order before anything else to make sure I got them! After that, we checked all the details, making sure everything was perfect and managed to get in some "girl talk" about the impending storm heading her way (I live in the north) and young boys and generators and female storm survival musts

I have never been treated with such kindness and consideration by a company working to rectify what was actually my mistake!

My only problem now is (again my own fault) because I was too late to be able to get the GLW's I would have loved to had to go along with my SLW's I am just going to have to order again next winter. I just HAVE to, right??? That makes perfect sense right, honey!

YAY! I'm so glad that went smoothly for you. I love that you are getting a variety now

Of course you'll have to order more this fall/winter. It only makes sense to have spring and fall layers.

They are very nice people, I have never had an unpleasant conversation and they are so helpful, it's the only place I order from, and I love their website because I can see very easily what's available and when, other hatcheries have confusing websites. Glad you got what you wanted. It's so easy to order again and again.

Thank you so much!

My Pet Chicken
I placed my first chick order with MPC about a week ago, with chicks due to ship around Memorial Day. I'm really hoping that ordering from MPC will end the heartbreak I've experienced over the years when I've purchased pullets but ended up with a surprise roo who needs to be re-homed. Even though I have always purchased pullets, I've ended up with four surprise cockerels over the past several years. Trying to find a good, loving home for a rooster you've raised since Day 1 is such a heartbreaking experience. I am happy to say that I was able to find the perfect home for one of my roos recently here at BYC through Animals in Need of Free Rehoming posts, but I don't want to go through that experience again, if at all possible.

I've mostly had full-size, reliable egg-laying breeds, but I've ordered all bantams with this upcoming order -- three silkie pullets, two white-crested black polish pullets, and a black frizzle cochin pullet (an order switch that was handled swiftly and politely by MPC's customer service over the phone). If all three silkies turn out to be the pullets I've ordered, I will be ecstatic! I realize how difficult silkies are to sex with complete accuracy, but I have faith that MPC will do a better job than other hatcheries and breeders I've done business with in the past. Plus, being able to purchase such a small number of chicks is worth the expensive shipping fees, in my opinion.

Here's hoping for the best, MPC!
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A few years ago I ordered 6 different colored silkies, I ordered all hens and received all hens, I was amazed that they were all females after reading about how no could sex bantams, so for me, I received exactly what I ordered.
My MPC hatching eggs are set, along with 6 local eggs. I'll update when I candle and lock down in 17 days! Good luck chickies!!

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